2024-25 Regional All Abilities Participation Grants – Application Questions and Guidance
The page will help you prepare the information you need to apply for funding.
Outlined on this page are:
- the questions you will be asked on the application form
- the details you will need to provide in the application form
- tips to submit your application online through the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) Grants Portal.
On this page
- Starting an application
- User registration and log in
- Save as draft
- Submit your application
- Category 1, 2 and 3
- Section 1: Application eligibility and attestation
- Section 2: Applicant organisation
- Section 3: Authorised Representative
- Section 4: Auspice organisation
- Section 5: Project details
- Section 6: Assessment criteria
- Section 7: Describing the grant beneficiaries
- Section 8: Project budget
- Section 9: Attachments
- Section 10: Bank account details
- Section 11: Declaration
Starting an application
To start an application, visit the 2024-25 Regional All Abilities Participation Grants web page.
Find the Apply Now section, then select the link relating to the category you wish to apply for.

Image: the Regional All Abilities Participation Grants web page
User Registration and Log In
You will need to log in to the DJSIR Grants Portal:
- if you’re already a registered user, you’ll be directed to enter your username and password
- if you’ve forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgot Password link on the Log In page.
If you’re not a registered user, you’ll need to select the Create an Account link.

Image: The login screen of the DJSIR grants portal
Save as Draft
Click Save as Draft before closing your web browser. Once you’ve saved your draft application, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to your draft application and a unique Grant Application (GA) number.
To return to your draft application, click on the link in the email, or log back in to your account on the DJSIR Grants Portal.
Submit your application
Make sure you have provided all information and attachments required.
To finish your application, click Save and Submit before 11:59 pm, on Monday 24 February 2025.
Once you’ve saved and submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation email. For your reference, keep the email, GA-number and save a PDF copy of your application.
Category 1, 2 and 3
Category 1: Equipment and Travel
Up to $25,000 for organisations to:
- purchase equipment, assistive technology, adaptive clothing or environmental aids
- reduce travel costs for active participants with disability, including players, umpires or officials and travel support personnel.
Category 2: Inclusion Workforce
Up to $25,000 for organisations to:
- employ a specialised workforce to support the needs of people with disability
- recruit, mentor, employ and retain a person with disability to a paid or voluntary position.
Category 3: Programs and Disability-led Initiatives
Up to $25,000 for organisations to:
- deliver an on-going sport or active recreation program for people with disability
- deliver projects led by or involving people with disability in the decision-making process.
Section 1: Application eligibility & attestation
In this section, applicants will answer questions about their eligibility to apply for funding through this program. Only applicants who meet eligibility requirements will be able to progress and submit their application.
To check your organisation’s eligibility, please read the 2024-25 Regional All Abilities Participation Program Guidelines.
Question 1: Have you accessed, read and understood the Conditions of Grant?
Your answer: Yes or No
Note: To be funded through this program, applicants must access, read and understand the Conditions of Grant.
Question 2: Does your organisation acknowledge and agree to be bound by the Conditions of Grant?
Your answer: Yes or No
Note: To be funded through this program, applicants must acknowledge and agree to be bound by the Conditions of Grant.
Question 3: Are the benefits of your project being delivered in regional Victoria and are people with disability directly benefiting from this project?
Your answer: Yes or No
Note: To be funded through this program, projects must support people with disability in regional or rural Victoria.
Question 4: Do you have a completed project plan, budget and relevant quotes that fully illustrate the type of project you want to undertake, including associated costs?
Your answer: Yes or No
Note: All applications must include a completed project plan, a budget and quote(s) that fully illustrate the type of project you want to undertake, including associated costs.
Question 5: Does your organisation have any outstanding reporting responsibilities on any grants previously received from Sport and Recreation Victoria?
Your answer: Yes or No or N/A (not applicable)
Note: Applicants must meet this eligibility requirement to receive a grant through this program.
Question 6: Does your organisation adhere to and enforce the Fair Play Code, or your State Sporting Association's code of conduct and/or member protection policy, which incorporates the Fair Play Code?
Your answer: Yes or No or N/A
Note: Applicants must meet this eligibility requirement to receive a grant through this program.
Question 7: Has your organisation implemented, and is it maintaining, policies relating to the Child Safe Standards in accordance with the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2004 (Vic)?
View the Child Safe Standards on the Commission for Children and Young People website.
Your answer: Yes or No or N/A
Note: Applicants must meet this eligibility requirement to receive a grant through this program.
Question 8: Does your organisation have an approved anti-doping policy in place and comply with the National Anti-doping policy Scheme (where required)?
Your answer: Yes or No or N/A
Note: Applicants must meet this eligibility requirement to receive a grant through this program.
Question 9: Is your community sport or active recreation club or organisation affiliated with a State Sporting Association (SSA) or State Sport and Active Recreation Body (SSARB)?
Your answer: Yes or No
Section 2: Applicant organisation
In this section, applicants will include details that provide an overall profile about their organisation.
Question 1: Name of Applicant Organisation
Your answer: Enter your organisation’s legal entity name
Question 2: Type of Organisation
Your answer: Select one:
- Incorporated Association (2a)
- Company limited by guarantee (2b)
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation (2c)
- None of the above (2d).
Question 2(a): If you selected Incorporated Association: Incorporated Association Register Number
Your answer: Provide your 9-digit Incorporated Association Register Number
- The format is the letter "A" followed by 7 digits and then an uppercase letter, for example A1234567W.
- Check your organisation’s registration number on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website.
- Your status must be Registered to apply and receive funding.
Question 2(b): If you selected Company limited by guarantee: Australian Company Number (ACN)
Your answer: Provide your 9-digit ACN number
- Check your organisation's ACN on the ASIC Register.
Question 2(c): If you selected Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Number (ICN)
Your answer: Provide your 3-5-digit ICN number
- Check your organisation’s ICN on the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations website.
Question 2(d): If you selected None of the above:
- By selecting 'None of the above' you must nominate an eligible auspice organisation in Section 4 of this application form. Your auspice organisation will receive, and auspice, all grant funds paid in the event of a successful application
Your answer: Agree or Do Not Agree
- The applicant may proceed with the application but must provide details of an auspice organisation in Section 4 of the application form
- In addition, a letter of support must be attached to Section 9 of the application form, confirm that the auspice organisation agrees to act as such.
Question 3: Does your Organisation have an Australian Business Number (ABN)?
Your answer:
- Yes – Provide your 11-digit ABN – Check your organisation's ABN on the ABN Lookup website.
- No – you must complete, sign and attach to this section an Australian Taxation Office Statement by a Supplier form.
How to fill in ATO Statement by Supplier form:
- Section A: Supplier details – provide your organisation’s name and address.
- Section B: Declaration – provide an authorised person’s name, signature and date.
Question 4: Organisation’s physical location address
Your answer: This is the address where your project will be delivered in regional Victoria. This may be in a sports ground, recreation reserve, clubroom, community centre,local school.
- For projects delivered across multiple regional locations, specify one location here and outline the additional areas within your project plan and/or application
- Enter the street address in the look-up box provided, then scroll down to select the pre-existing address that matches your organisation’s address
- If the address can’t be found, select the ‘click here to enter an address manually’ link and manually enter the address.
Question 5: Is the organisation's postal address the same as the project location address?
Your answer:
- Yes – proceed to next section
- No – repeat the address lookup function detailed in the previous question, this time searching for the postal address.
Section 3: Authorised representative
In this section, applicants must include the details of the person at your organisation selected as the Authorised Representative for the application.
An Authorised Representative means an officer of the organisation that has authority and capacity to enter the grant agreement on behalf of the applying organisation. This person must be selected by the applying organisation to submit this application and receive an Email of Acceptance (if the application is successful).
- Title
- First Name
- Last Name
- Role within the organisation
- Telephone
- Mobile
Your answer: Enter the details in the relevant response boxes provided.
- Telephone number must have prefix +61 followed by the area code (without the leading zero) then the 8-digit number with no spaces or special characters
- Mobile numbers must have prefix +61 followed by the remainder of the mobile number (without the leading zero) with no spaces or special characters
- Email must be accurate and active. Sport and Recreation Victoria will communicate outcomes to this email.
Section 4: Auspice organisation
In this section, applicants can provide details of an auspice organisation. If the applicant organisation is NOT an incorporated association OR a company limited by guarantee OR an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation, you must nominate an auspice organisation to receive and manage grant funds if the application is successful.
Noting, the contact person in this section must be from the Auspice organisation as we require a different contact person at each organisation for auspice arrangements to be made.
Question: If this application is successful, will you require an auspice organisation to manage the grant funds?
Your answer:
- Yes – applicant is prompted to provide full details of the auspice organisation including:
- Legal entity registration number
- Physical and postal addresses, and
- Authorised representative’s contact information.
If nominating an auspice organisation, applicants must upload a letter of support from the auspice organisation to confirm they agree to act as such. This letter must be uploaded to the form at Section 9.
- No – applicant may proceed to the next section.
Section 5: Project details
In this section, applicants will provide details about the project your organisation intends to undertake with this grant.
Question 1: Project Name
Your answer: In 10 words or less, name your project.
For example:
- New wheelchairs for participants
- Mobility aids and travel support
- Adjustable goals for the club and all abilities team
- Sensory clothing for all abilities team.
Question 2: Amount requested from this program
Your answer: Applicant is to provide an amount up to $25,000 in the space provided.
Note: The amount requested should include all GST that will be payable, regardless of your organisations GST status.
Question 3: What is the project, why is it important and where will it be delivered in regional or rural Victoria?
Your answer: Summarise the project and its purpose in 2-3 sentences.
Question 4: What sport or active recreation do you deliver, where are you based and what are your aims to enhance inclusivity and accessibility?
Your answer: Introduce your organisation in 2-3 sentences.
Question 5: (optional) If your organisation has a website or any public social media, please provide these links below
Your answer: up to 3 URLs or links can be provided to support your application. These will need to be publicly accessible so they can compliment your application.
Section 6: Assessment criteria
In this section, you must respond to the assessment questions as noted below and in the Program Guidelines.
The Regional All Abilities Participation Grants includes a competitive application process. Eligibility does not guarantee success, and it is expected that more applications will be received than what can be funded.
To note:
- questions in this section will differ slightly between each category
- the following questions are informed by the program objectives and 2024-25 program priorities as outlined under section 8 of the Program Guidelines
- Responses to each question should be up to 500 words.
Category 1: Equipment and Travel
Question 1: Community Need
This question forms up to 20% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Project needs are the driving force or motivation behind initiating or delivering the project. They provide a reason to invest time, resources, and effort.
- Your answers may respond to accessibility barriers, social isolation, transport challenges, lack of opportunities, cultural or attitudinal barriers, or other community needs that inform your application.
Describe the need for your project and how it can address key issues in your community. What key issues and needs do people with disabilities face in your community, and how will your project address these to increase participation, inclusion, and access to sport or active recreation?
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 2: Benefits
This question forms up to 20% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Project benefits refer to the positive outcomes, advantages or value that is expected to be gained by completing the project.
- Your answers may respond to social inclusion, accessibility, capacity building, improved health and wellbeing, awareness, attitudinal shifts or other community benefits that inform your application.
Describe the benefits of your project. What benefits will your project deliver, and how do these benefits align with the Regional All Abilities Participation Grants program’s objectives and priorities? Describe how your project will contribute to positive outcomes for people with disabilities.
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 3: Partnerships
This question forms up to 15% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Partnerships play a pivotal role in project success, by expanding resources, leveraging expertise, and fostering community collaboration.
- Partnerships may include community groups, sport and active recreation bodies, local government, health or rehabilitation services, educational institutions, volunteer networks or any other partnerships that inform your application.
Tell us who you’re working with:
Who are the key stakeholders involved in your project and how will they contribute to project objectives and outcomes?
Will your organisation partner with other organisations to enhance engagement and support for people with disability? If so, please describe these partnerships, why have you made these decisions and how they effectively facilitate inclusion and participation.
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 4: Lasting Impact
This question forms up to 15% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Impacts are the long-term changes that will occur as a result of your project. Your answers may respond to stronger partnerships, awareness and behavioural changes and engagement, pathways for continued participation, volunteer and employment opportunities, or any other impacts that inform your application.
What impacts does your project hope to achieve?
What sustainable and practical impacts will your project have on increasing access, inclusion, choice, and control for people with disabilities in your community? How will these impact, or build capability through your project to continue to benefit people with disability beyond the 12-month funding period?
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 5: Is there anything else you would like to share about your project?
Please provide any additional information that might help in evaluating the significance and feasibility of your project.
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Category 2: Inclusion Workforce
Question 1: Community Need
This question forms up to 20% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Project needs are the driving force or motivation behind initiating or delivering the project. They provide a reason to invest time, resources, and effort.
- Your answers may respond to equitable and inclusive workforce opportunities, specialised workforce, retention and recruitment, workplace accessibility, pathway creation, or other community needs that inform your application.
Describe the need for your project and how it can address key issues in your community. What key issues and needs do people with disabilities face in your community, and how will your project address these to increase participation, inclusion, and access to sport or active recreation?
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 2: Benefits
This question forms up to 20% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Project benefits refer to the positive outcomes, advantages or value that is expected to be gained by completing the project.
- Your answers may respond to equitable and inclusive workforce opportunities, capacity building, improved health and wellbeing, attitudinal shifts, self-empowerment, pathways to paid employment, social, economic, and cultural inclusion, or other community benefits that inform your application.
Describe the benefits of your project. What are the benefits of recruiting new staff, volunteers, networks or partnerships, and how do these benefits align with the Regional All Abilities Sporting Club Grants program’s objectives and priorities? Describe how your project will contribute to positive outcomes for people with disability.
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 3: Partnerships
This question forms up to 15% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Partnerships play a pivotal role in project success, by expanding resources, leveraging expertise, and fostering community collaboration.
- Partnerships may include employment or volunteer organisations, volunteer networks, community groups, sport and active recreation bodies, local government, health or rehabilitation services, educational institutions, or any other partnerships that inform your application.
Tell us who you’re working with:
Who are the key stakeholders involved in your project and how will they contribute to project objectives and outcomes?
Will your organisation partner with other organisations to enhance engagement and support for people with disability? If so, please describe these partnerships, why have you made these decisions and how they effectively facilitate inclusion and participation.
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 4: Lasting Impact
This question forms up to 15% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Impacts are the long-term changes that will occur as a result of your project. Your answers may respond to stronger partnerships, awareness and behavioural changes and engagement, pathways for continued participation, volunteer and employment opportunities, or any other impacts that inform your application.
What impacts does your project hope to achieve?
What sustainable and practical impacts will your project have on increasing access, inclusion, choice, and control for people with disabilities in your community? How will these impact, or build capability through your project to continue to benefit people with disability beyond the 12-month funding period?
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 5: Is there anything else you would like to share about your project?
Please provide any additional information that might help in evaluating the significance and feasibility of your project.
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Category 3: Programs and Disability-led Initiatives
Question 1: Community Need
This question forms up to 20% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Project needs are the driving force or motivation behind initiating or delivering the project. They provide a reason to invest time, resources, and effort.
- Your answers may respond to accessibility barriers, social isolation, transport challenges, lack of opportunities, cultural or attitudinal barriers, or other community needs that inform your application.
Describe the need for your project and how it can address key issues in your community. What key issues and needs do people with disabilities face in your community, and how will your project address these to increase participation, inclusion, and access to sport or active recreation?
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 2: Benefits
This question forms up to 20% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Project benefits refer to the positive outcomes, advantages or value that is expected to be gained by completing the project.
- Your answers may respond to social inclusion, sustained community engagement, skill development and empowerment, inclusive programming, health and wellbeing, removing barriers or other community benefits that inform your application.
Describe the benefits of your project. What benefits will your project deliver, and how do these benefits align with the Regional All Abilities Participation Grants program’s objectives and priorities? Describe how your project will contribute to positive outcomes for people with disabilities.
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 3: Partnerships
This question forms up to 15% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Partnerships play a pivotal role in project success, by expanding resources, leveraging expertise, and fostering community collaboration.
- Partnerships may include community groups, sport and active recreation bodies, local government, health or rehabilitation services, educational institutions, volunteer networks or any other partnerships that inform your application.
Tell us who you’re working with:
Who are the key stakeholders involved in your project and how will they contribute to project objectives and outcomes?
Will your organisation partner with other organisations to enhance engagement and support for people with disability? If so, please describe these partnerships, why have you made these decisions and how they effectively facilitate inclusion and participation.
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 4: Lasting Impact
This question forms up to 15% of the overall assessment criteria.
- Impacts are the long-term changes that will occur as a result of your project. Your answers may respond to stronger partnerships, awareness and behavioural changes and engagement, pathways for continued participation, volunteer and employment opportunities, or any other impacts that inform your application.
What impacts does your project hope to achieve?
What sustainable and practical impacts will your project have on increasing access, inclusion, choice, and control for people with disabilities in your community? How will these impact, or build capability through your project to continue to benefit people with disability beyond the 12-month funding period?
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Question 5: Is there anything else you would like to share about your project?
Please provide any additional information that might help in evaluating the significance and feasibility of your project.
Your answer: Answer up to 500 words or less in the space provided.
Section 7: describing the grant beneficiaries
In this section, your organisation can indicate what groups will directly benefit from receiving the requested grant. People can belong to more than one of the listed groups.
Question 1: Within your organisation, who are the groups that will directly benefit from receiving this grant to fund this purchase?
Your answer:
- Woman* (enter 0 if none)
- Man* (enter 0 if none)
- Self-described* (enter 0 if none).
- People with disability (enter 0 if none)
- People who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander* (enter 0 if none)
- People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
- People who are refugees
- People who are socio-economically disadvantaged
- People who reside in Regional Victoria
- People who identify as LGBTIQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and gender diverse, Intersex, Queer and questioning).
- Committee/decision making
- Other.
Question 2: What is the primary sport or active recreation activity that relates to this application?
Your answer: Select a single sport/activity only from the available pick list.
In a following question you may indicate if the sport or activity will be; modified, unmodified, adaptive or a para sport.
Question 3: (optional) What is the secondary sport or active recreation activity that relates to this application?
Your answer: Select a single sport/activity only from the available pick list.
Section 8: Project budget
In this section you will provide a financial overview, including both income and expenditure that relates to the project. $25,000 is the maximum grant amount you can request.
- Project Income = the grant amount requested + other financial contributions or income sources.
- Project Expenditure = the total expenses for your project + any other relevant expenses.
You will need to enter the full amount as indicated by your quote/s, including cents e.g. 985.50. Please do not round-up figures, do not use the dollar ($) symbol and do not use commas.
Section 9: Attachments
In this section, you will upload all mandatory support documentation to accompany your application.
All applications require:
- a detailed Project Plan
- a Budget
- Quote(s).
Please see section 10 of the program guidelines for more detailed information.
Quotes must:
- be dated from October 2024 onwards.
- be equal to, or greater than the total amount requested from this program.
- include details: item name, description, quantity, unit and total costs.
- include the supplier’s business/company details (business name, ABN and/or website).
Acceptable quotes may include website shopping carts, screenshots, or unpaid invoices, as long as they provide all required information.
Additional documentation can improve the likelihood of a successful application. Applicants should provide letters of support, partnership agreements or endorsements from local organisations or community leaders where relevant.
This documentation is not mandatory but can improve the likelihood of a successful application.
Section 10: Bank account details
In this section you will provide your organisation’s bank account details and declare the details provided to be true, complete and accurate. You will be required to confirm your answers twice to ensure accuracy.
Information required:
- Account name: Enter the name of an account belonging to the applicant organisation
- BSB Code: Enter the 6-digit BSB code without dashes, spaces or commas
- Account Number: Enter the bank account number (maximum of 9 digits) without dashes, spaces or commas
- Email (used for remittance advice): Provide an email address where remittance advice will be sent (note this does not need to be the same email address as the one belonging to the authorised representative for this application.
Section 11: Declaration
Confirmation 1: By checking this box, I/We as the authorised representative of the Applicant confirm the accuracy of all details in this Application, and make each of the declarations set out above on behalf of the Applicant in the knowledge the Department is receiving this information and will rely on it when making decisions about this application and any payment of the grant to the Applicant.
Answer: You must check the box to accept the declaration and be able to proceed with the application.
Confirmation 2: By checking this box, I/We as the authorised representative(s) of the Applicant confirm the Conditions of Grant have been accessed, read and are understood by the Applicant (through each of its officers and representatives) and if an Agreement(as defined in the Conditions of Grant is formed), the Applicant agrees to be bound by the Agreement.
Answer: You must check the box to accept the declaration and be able to proceed with the application.