Physical activity
Physical activity incorporates active recreation and active travel. Going for a bike ride, swimming, dancing, or yoga for exercise or enjoyment is active recreation. Riding to and from school is active travel.
The Victorian Government supports physical activity programs and initiatives that progress participation and workforce priorities articulated in Active Victoria.
Implementation of these programs and initiatives occurs through collaborative partnerships that aligns with:
- Victorian Water Safety Strategy
- Victoria’s Youth Strategy
- Active schools
- Strategy for Walkable Communities (for release 2023–24)
- Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
Programs and initiatives
VICSWIM Summer Kidz Program
VICSWIM Summer Kidz Program supports low-cost swimming lessons to children aged 4 to 12 years old at various locations across the state.
Visit our VICSWIM Summer Kidz Program page.
Youth Aquatic Accreditation Program
Youth Aquatic Accreditation Program provides financial assistance to young people aged 16 to 25 years to undertake accreditation to ensure they are qualified to teach swimming and water safety.
For more information, see the Youth Aquatic Accreditation Program page.
Kids Active Travel Program
Kids Active Travel Program encourages primary school aged children to choose active travel options when traveling to and from school to establish positive physical activity behaviours and develop physical literacy skills.
For program information, see our Kids Active Travel Program page.
Get Active Victoria
Get Active Victoria is the Victorian Government’s flagship physical activity initiative, to support Victorians to move more, every day.
For more information, visit the Get Active Victoria page.
Participation, workforce and infrastructure research is used to inform policy development and program delivery.
Kids active travel
The research defines the target audience that is most likely to adopt active travel behaviours when traveling to and from school. Barriers and motivations for the target audience are explored.
Key findings are coming soon.
The research explores the likelihood of inactive Victorians using walking paths integrated into multi-purpose sport and recreation infrastructure. It explores the needs, expectations, barriers and motivators to using outdoor fitness equipment.
To download a copy of the Designing active recreation infrastructure for inactive Victorians presentation, head to the Presentations section of the Get Active Conversation page on the Get Active Victoria website.
Economic impacts
The analysis quantifies the contribution of active recreation to the Victorian economy as direct and indirect revenue and employment. It includes an analysis of potential return on investment.
Download: Economic impacts of active recreation in Victoria (PDF , 1.2 MB)
Download: Economic impacts of active recreation in Victoria (DOCX , 287.7 KB)
New videos will be available shortly to assist stakeholders promote the career pathways in the Victorian aquatic sector for young people aged 16 to 25 years. They will highlight the breath of roles available in the aquatic sector and showcase the career pathways of aquatic sector leaders.
The Guidelines for planning, installing and activating outdoor fitness equipment assists sector stakeholders to create active environments and help more people to be active. The Guidelines are currently being updated.