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Access for All Abilities

Access for All Abilities is a Victorian Government program which has supported inclusive sport and recreation opportunities for people with disability for over 15 years.

Approximately one in 5 Victorians have a physical or cognitive disability. Furthermore, any Victorian may acquire a disability at any point in their life.

Compared to 62% of all Victorians, only 55% of people with disability participate in sport and physical activity.

Within the Access for All Abilities program, state sporting associations, regional sports assemblies and other organisations work with clubs and associations to build  capacity, and  increase participation and diversity in their programs and competition pathways.

Funding provided to state sporting associations, regional sports assemblies, disability sports and community based organisations enables the organisations to deliver targeted programs and services.

The Victorian Government’s commitment to increase participation opportunities for people with disability is maintained through the Together More Active program.

How you can get involved in an inclusive sport and recreation activity

Access for All Abilities Play (aaaplay), delivered by Reclink Australia, is funded by the Access for All Abilities program to act as a first point of contact for people with disability looking for sport and recreation opportunities.

aaaplay is a free information and referral service to assist Victorians of all ages with disability to become involved in sport and active recreation. With assistance from aaaplay, you can discover a new sporting challenge.

Visit the aaaplay website or call the aaaplay team to discover the huge amount of sports and active recreation activities close to home and available for people of all abilities.

Contect with aaaplay

How you can find out more information about the program

For more information about the program, please contact the Equity and Inclusion team at Sport and Recreation Victoria.

Equity and Inclusion ​Team
Sport and Recreation Victoria
121 Exhibition Street
Melbourne VIC 3001

Phone (03) 9651 9999


Page last updated: 30 Jul 2024
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