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Fair Play Code

Restoring sportsmanship, integrity and respect in sport. The Fair Play Code outlines the standards of behaviour expected by everyone involved in sport in Victoria.

Man and three boys playing sport

Victorians love their sport.

There are approximately 2.2 million participants, 980,000 paid staff and volunteers, 12,000 sports clubs, and 9,500 community sports facilities in Victoria.

Victorians are involved in sport in many different capacities. Positive and appropriate actions and behaviours of each and every one of these individuals is essential to ensuring safe, fair and inclusive sporting environments.

There is simply no place for abuse, violence, cheating or any kind of bad behaviour in sport.

At the heart of the Fair Play Code are the five principles:

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Safety
  • Fairness.

These principles apply to everyone involved in sport in Victoria, no matter what role they play.

As an individual, team, club, league or association, or organisation - if you encounter bad behaviour, either on or off the sporting field, refer to the Fair Play Code.

Victoria's sporting organisations who receive funding from the Victorian Government are required to actively promote, adhere to and enforce the Fair Play Code.


[Shots of people playing sports or working in sports settings throughout]

Dylan Alcott, Australian Wheelchair Tennis Champion

Sport and Recreation Victoria has implemented the Fair Play Code to encourage appropriate standards of behaviour to enable every Victorian to be involved in sport and recreation that is safe, welcoming and inclusive.

The Fair Play Code sends a loud and clear message that bad behaviour, violence, cheating, and intimidation has no place in sport and recreation in Victoria.

Meg Lanning, Australian International Cricketer

At the heart of the Fair Play Code are the five core values that will encourage fair play for all:

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Fairness
  • Safety

Dylan Alcott, Australian Wheelchair Tennis Champion

These values apply to everyone involved in sport and recreation in Victoria, no matter what their role.

Indiana Budimir, Southern Metro Junior Football League umpire

I'm Indiana Budimir.

Be Fair. Play Fair.

Lin Jong, Western Bulldogs football player

I'm Lin Jong.

Be Fair. Play Fair.

Dr Ebonie Rio, Sports Physiotherapist

I'm Dr Ebonie Rio.

Be Fair. Play Fair.

Meg Lanning, Australian International Cricketer

I'm Meg Lanning.

Be Fair. Play Fair.

Dylan Alcott, Australian Wheelchair Tennis Champion

I'm Dylan Alcott.

Be Fair. Play Fair.

How can I adhere to and promote the Fair Play Code?

Local council

  • Ensure all sport and active recreation organisations using council facilities are promoting the Fair Play Code.
  • Ensure Fair Play Code messaging is available and visible at all council facilities.

Officials and volunteers

  • Be informed about, abide by, and promote compliance with the Fair Play Code.
  • Report potential Fair Play Code breaches to the appropriate authorities.


  • Understand the Fair Play Code and how it applies when participating in sport. This includes understanding your rights and obligations as a player/participant.
  • Calling out all forms of bad behaviour.


  • Educate children about the importance of demonstrating good sportsmanship and modelling these behaviours.
  • Understand the actions that can be taken when there is a potential breach of the Fair Play Code.

Spectators and members of the public

  • Abide by the Fair Play Code when attending sport and recreation training, events and activities.
  • Encourage good sportsmanship and positive behaviours at all times.

State sporting associations and active recreation bodies

  • Include the Fair Play Code in your policy documentation.
  • Ensure your organisation has systems and processes in place to manage a complaint or breach of the Fair Play Code.

Leagues, associations and clubs

  • Actively adhere to and promote the Fair Play Code throughout your networks and at your facilities.
  • Educate everyone in your organisation about the Fair Play Code and ensure it’s part of any induction process.
  • Make sure the Fair Play Code is readily available and visible to everyone.

How do I become a Fair Play Organisation?

  • Ensure the Fair Play Code is visible throughout your facility and constantly promote its values and principles.
  • Promote positive behaviours.
  • Call out bad behaviours.
  • Use the Fair Play Code Implementation and Action Plan Tool to assist your organisation in implementing better policies and practices that support fair, inclusive and safe sport.

Download the Fair Play Code Implementation and Action Plan

What does being a Fair Play Organisation mean?

  • Being a Fair Play Organisation means supporting good sportsmanship, exercising integrity and respect, and speaking out against bad behaviour.
  • Organisations receiving Victorian Government funding must adhere to and promote the Fair Play Code.

What is the Fair Play Code for Tenants Form?

Organisations or local councils who seek funding from the Victorian Government for a sporting facility must complete the Fair Play Code form for tenants (DOCX 1557.82 KB) DOCX icon.

Please note:

  • all fields of the form must be completed by an authorised representative of the organisation.
  • the form must be included as part of the funding application.
  • the organisation must actively adhere to and promote the Fair Play Code to be eligible for funding.

How can I promote my club, league or association as a Fair Play organisation?

Where can I find more information or support?

Fair Play Code breaches should be reported to the appropriate organisation:

Further assistance

For support for sporting organisations to put policies and guidelines in place to deal with unlawful or inappropriate behaviour like abuse, harassment, unfair treatment and discrimination, see Play by the Rules.

Who are our Fair Play ambassadors?

Dylan Alcott – Former international wheelchair tennis champion

Indiana Budimir – Community AFL Football umpire

Meg Lanning – Professional Australian Cricketer

Dr Ebonie Rio – Victorian Institute of Sport physiotherapist

Lin Jong – Former Western Bulldogs player

For more information and assistance

For more information about the Fair Play Code or to receive promotional material for your organisation, contact

Page last updated: 15 Jul 2024
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