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2025-26 Country Football and Netball Program Guidelines

For accessibility, the program guidelines have been published in full on this web page. Scroll down to read the guidelines online or download a copy via the links below.

1 – 2025-26 Country Football and Netball Program

1.1 – About the Country Football and Netball Program

The Country Football and Netball Program is a competitive Victorian Government investment program in partnership with the AFL, AFL Victoria and Netball Victoria that provides funding to rural, regional, and outer metropolitan councils to assist grassroots country football and netball clubs, associations, and umpiring organisations develop facilities.

Through the improvement of football and netball facilities in rural, regional, and outer metropolitan areas, the program will support the sustainability of country football and netball clubs into the future.

1.2 – Why is the Victorian Government supporting these grants?

The Program was established in response to the Parliamentary Rural and Regional Services and Development Committee’s Inquiry into Country Football Report, tabled in State Parliament in December 2004.

Improving football and netball facilities in rural, regional and outer metropolitan areas will support the regional and rural way of life and ensure the sustainability of country football and netball into the future.

The Program promotes partnerships between the Victorian Government, AFL, AFL Victoria, Netball Victoria, Local Government Authorities (LGAs), country football and netball clubs, associations and umpiring organisations, schools, and community organisations.

Rates of participation in sport and active recreation are well below the state average for many groups of Victorians. This includes Aboriginal Victorians, people with a disability, seniors, disengaged youth, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, women and girls and gender diverse people, LGBTIQA+ people and socio-economically disadvantaged communities.

Consistent with the strategic directions identified in Active Victoria 2022-26 the Victorian Government is committed to creating more opportunities for all Victorian individuals and communities who participate less.

The Program is underpinned by the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions’ (DJSIR) priority to ensure the state’s economy benefits all Victorians by creating more jobs for more people, building thriving places and regions, and nurturing inclusive communities.

1.3 – Outcomes

Football and netball are an integral part of regional life and the Victorian Government recognises the crucial role these sports play when it comes to participation in rural, regional and outer metropolitan communities.

This includes supporting Victorians, particularly those individuals and communities who participate less to achieve better health, wellbeing, social, and economic outcomes through the construction, programming and activation of community football and netball infrastructure.

The Program will invest in proposals that can demonstrate commitment to the following outcomes:

  • develop new or maintain existing participation opportunities in football and/or netball, where there is a risk to participation declining
  • improve diversity and inclusiveness in participation by prioritising projects that provide opportunities for communities that participate less (such as women and girls, gender diverse people, and people with a disability), as outlined in Active Victoria 2022-2026
  • support gender equality in participation, coaching, administration, umpiring and volunteering
  • improve physical and mental health, social and economic outcomes for traditionally disadvantaged communities such as low socio-economic areas, growth areas, and communities experiencing long term disadvantage
  • develop multi-use, shared and co-located facilities
  • collaborate with AFL Victoria, Netball Victoria, or other relevant peak bodies.

1.4 – Investment priorities

Priority will be given to projects that:

  • provide the strongest participation outcomes for groups that participate less in community sport and active recreation including women and girls, people with disability, Aboriginal Victorians, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, people from LGBTIQA+ communities and economically disadvantaged communities as identified in Active Victoria 2022-2026
  • support communities experiencing socio-economic disadvantage particularly projects that support suburbs and towns within the 2 most disadvantaged deciles in Victoria as per the Australian Bureau of Statistics Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage, 2021
  • support communities in areas of need that have experienced natural disasters, such as flood, bushfires and drought, or communities experiencing strong population growth or significant change in circumstances (for example, economic challenges)
  • demonstrate multi-use, shared and integrated facilities including those on school land that can ensure long-term community access. For information regarding facilities on school land, please see Section 3.6
  • demonstrating economic lift in the form of job creation during construction and operation, non-government investment in the facility and participant and event attraction
  • providing benefits for both football and netball.

2 – Eligibility

2.1 – Eligible applicants

Only LGAs are eligible to apply to the Program. These are limited to:

  • rural and regional LGAs
  • interface LGAs for facilities used by teams participating in leagues that are affiliated with an AFL Victoria Country League or a Netball Victoria Regional League or for facilities in areas where rurality can be demonstrated (please refer to Section 2.2 Rurality, for further information)
  • Frankston, Greater Dandenong and Kingston LGAs for facilities used by teams participating in an AFL Victoria Country League.

In line with the Victorian Government’s Fair Access Policy Roadmap, LGAs must have an acceptable gender equitable access and use policy (or equivalent) in place to be considered eligible for funding from the Program.

LGAs that do not currently have an acceptable gender equitable access and use policy (or equivalent) in place must consult with their SRV representative.

Applications for projects where football or netball clubs participate in a New South Wales or South Australian league are eligible, provided the project will occur at a facility located in Victoria.

LGAs must discuss potential project/s with their SRV representatives to receive feedback on eligible projects before submitting their application/s.

Sport and recreation clubs, sporting associations and leagues, educational institutions, not-for-profit community organisations, businesses and individuals cannot directly apply to the Program.

Local clubs and organisations are advised to contact their LGA if they wish to express interest and seek support from the Program.

2.2 – Rurality

Eligibility consideration under the rurality requirement only applies where other eligibility requirements are not met.

For the purposes of the program, rurality may be demonstrated if the facility location in the Interface LGA is outside of the Urban Growth Boundary, as outlined at VicPlan.

Where the location of land for a prospective project does not satisfy the above, an applicant may apply for funding if they can demonstrate the facility is located on land in a rural setting or in a township with predominantly rural or regional characteristics. This may include the following considerations:

  • facility is in a township with lower population and/or lower population density
  • facility is in a township neighbouring a rural and regional LGA
  • facility is in a township with a higher concentration of tourism and/or agribusiness
  • the facility’s catchment zone includes rural or regional communities, for example, through hosting of competition teams that are from rural or regional towns.

Any applications seeking consideration on basis of rurality must speak to their SRV representative prior to submitting an application.

2.3 – Eligible applications

Only eligible applications will be assessed and considered for funding by SRV.

To be eligible for funding, applications must:

  • ensure the project scope and funding request adhere to the funding requirements
  • be able to demonstrate that the infrastructure project will be completed within 24 months of execution of a Grant Agreement with the DJSIR (for successful projects)
  • exclude activities listed in Section 7
  • be submitted (including all supporting documentation) by 5:00 pm on Monday 7 July 2025.

Each individual infrastructure project requires a separate application. Bundled projects will be deemed ineligible.

Stages of a larger facility development may seek support from the Program, providing the stage addresses the assessment criteria and meets all other eligibility requirements. For a staged project, please provide information on the delivery of any future stages, including timelines.

3 – Funding opportunity

3.1 – Funding details

Number of applications

Up to 3 applications

However, the total funding sought cannot exceed $250,000 per LGA across all applications, and no application can exceed the maximum grant amount of $250,000.

Maximum total grant amount per applicant

Up to $250,000

Project types eligible for funding

  • Developing new or redeveloping change rooms and pavilions to increase capacity, inclusion and safety
  • developing new or redeveloping existing sports ovals and courts to increase capacity, inclusion and safety
  • sports lighting that improves facility capacity and participant safety. Lighting projects may include the installation of new LED Lighting Infrastructure, or the replacement of non-LED lighting with LED lamps to permit lighting standards to be met. Should existing lighting poles be retained, a report from an engineer or other suitable expert confirming that they are structurally sound would need to be provided. Applications should also advise whether a power upgrade will be required onsite, or if the current power is suitable for the new lighting
  • projects that result in energy or water efficiency, with a direct impact on participation, such as warm season grass conversions
  • infrastructure on school land with confirmed community use
  • projects that benefit multi use outcomes where football or netball is the primary beneficiary.

3.2 – Timelines

3.2.1 – 2025-26 timelines

  • Applications open: 27 February 2025
  • Applications close: 7 July 2025
  • Outcomes announced: from September 2025 onwards
  • Grant agreements executed: from October 2025
  • Construction completion: October 2027 – no later than 24 months from execution of the Grant Agreement.

3.2.2 – 2026-27 timelines (proposed*)

  • Applications open: February 2026
  • Applications close: May 2026
  • Outcomes announced: from August 2026 onwards
  • Grant agreements executed: from September 2026
  • Construction completion: September 2028 – no later than 24 months from execution of the Grant Agreement.

* 2026-27 timelines are indicative only and are subject to change.

3.3 – Funding ratios

Funding ratios apply to the Program and as outlined in the table below.

Applicants must confirm matched funding consistent with the funding ratios. Ratios are calculated using total project cost (exclusive of GST).

Applications may include project management fees of up to 7.5% of the total project cost (exclusive of GST).

Applications must include contingency that is a minimum 10% of the total project cost (exclusive of GST).

Applicants cannot use other State Government funding, such as funding from Regional Development Victoria, as part of their local contribution throughout the delivery of the project.

Local contributions may comprise of funding from other organisations including LGAs, sport and recreation clubs, state sporting associations, schools, educational institutions, Federal Government, community organisations or in-kind support (limits apply to in-kind support).

Funding available


Funding ratios

Up to $250,000


SRV $3

Local = $1

Up to $250,000


Ballarat, Greater Bendigo, Greater Geelong, Cardinia, Casey, Hume, Melton, Mornington Peninsula, Nillumbik, Whittlesea, Wyndham, Yarra Ranges

SRV $2

Local = $1

Up to $250,000


Greater Dandenong*, Kingston*, Frankston*

SRV $1

Local = $1

* Only football and netball clubs competing in leagues affiliated with AFL Victoria Country are eligible for funding.

3.4 – In-kind contributions

An in‑kind contribution is a contribution of goods or services other than money. Applications for infrastructure projects can claim in‑kind expenses up to a maximum of 50% of the local contribution.

LGAs must approve and underwrite any in‑kind contribution from third parties for each applicable application. Examples include voluntary labour, donated goods and donated services.

Applications that include in-kind contributions must provide:

3.5 – Fair Access Policy Roadmap

All Victorian LGAs need to have an acceptable gender equitable access and use policy (or equivalent) in place to be considered eligible to receive community sport infrastructure funding, reflecting the Victorian Government’s Fair Access Policy Roadmap (the Roadmap). The Roadmap aims to develop a statewide foundation to improve the access to, and use of, community sports infrastructure for women and girls.

Policies should ensure that women and girls can fully participate in and enjoy the benefits of community sport, with fair opportunity and access to their local community sport facilities.

3.6 – Facilities on school land

LGAs are eligible to apply to the Program for projects located on school land.

For projects on school land, applicants must provide a Community Joint Use Proposal, which is completed by the applicant and the school and a letter from the Department of Education central office that endorses the project.

Projects on non-government school land are also eligible for funding and require a similar demonstration of commitment from both parties to ensure long-term community access is achieved under agreed terms.

3.7 – Facilities on Crown land

LGAs are eligible to apply to the Program for projects located on Crown land. Partnerships between LGAs, committees of management and other land managers for projects that support community sport and active recreation outcomes on Crown land are encouraged.

4 – Application details

Applicants must respond to assessment criteria for the Program outlined in Section 4.1 and provide all the mandatory supporting documentation in Section 5. The quality of supporting documentation provided will also be considered during assessment.

4.1 – Assessment criteria




Project need and readiness


  1. Why is the project needed? What football and/or netball participation issue/s is the project seeking to address?
  2. Describe the project scope, including all components. How will the project scope address the football and/or netball participation issue/s identified? Detail any Universal Design Principles and Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) initiatives.
  3. What project planning has been completed to date? Outline what steps will be taken to complete works in 24 months.

Applications should indicate how the project need is supported by planning, for example LGA plans, master plans, alignment with AFL Victoria’s Football Facilities Development Strategy ‘Growing the Heartland’ and/or Netball Victoria’s Statewide Facilities Strategy.

Project outcomes


  1. What are the current football and/or netball participation activities at the facility?
  2. Detail the future football and netball activities, programs and activations   resulting from the project. How will these activities and programs increase participation?
  3. Explain:
  • how the project will increase participation and/or support existing participation in football and netball?
  • how the project will improve participation for those individuals and communities that participate less in community sport and active recreation?
  • what specific steps will be taken to improve participation for these groups?

This may include initiatives, policies or practices currently being undertaken or that will be implemented in the future to reinforce the impact of the project (for example, Gender Impact Assessment, club based gender equity plan, priority access).

Community and stakeholder engagement


  1. Detail:
  • the consultation and/engagement that has occurred with the local community and other stakeholders for the project
  • any further consultation and engagement that will occur for the project.

Evidence must be provided of community consultation and its findings and/or outcomes where there is any impact of the proposed project on residential or community amenity.

Evidence must include:

  • how the local community has been consulted/informed about the proposed project (for example, on site consultation, letter box drop, social media posts)
  • local community consultation findings and outcomes of any engagement (community consultation report, summary of resident feedback, recent masterplan).

A further guidance note related to this requirement is available in the Community Consultation and amenity impacts (PDF 117.58 KB) PDF icon.

5 – Supporting documentation

The lists below outlines the mandatory and desired supporting documentation for each funding stream. Please submit all mandatory documentation with your application to ensure eligibility and demonstrate project readiness. Desired supporting documentation is not a requirement however it will further demonstrate project readiness, if applicable.

To assist with the development of your application and supporting documentation, please also refer to the 2025-26 Country Football and Netball Program – Supporting Document Checklist (DOCX 194.07 KB) DOCX icon.

This checklist can also be submitted with your application if you wish to provide any additional comments.

The quality of the documentation will be assessed in conjunction with LGA responses to the assessment criteria for the funding stream. Refer to Section 6 for instructions about how to submit supporting documentation for your application.


  • Project Management Framework
  • Site specific plan/aerial map showing location of proposed facilities
  • Site specific schematic plans developed with stakeholder input including clear dimensions, measurements and scale
  • Lighting plans including lux charts, pole locations and footings that are site specific (where lighting is requested in the project scope)
    • Where a project is proposing to retain existing lighting poles, a report from an engineer or other suitable expert evidencing that these poles are structurally sound must be provided
    • Applications should also advise whether a power upgrade will be required onsite, or if the current power is suitable for the new lighting
  • Project costings:
    • All costings provided should detail and match the scope outlined in the application
      • If total project cost is $1 million or more (excluding GST): Quantity survey, tender price or independent qualified expert report (no more than 6 months old)
      • If total project cost is less than $1 million (excluding GST): Quotes or internal cost estimates (no more than 6 months old)
    • Note: Where multiple quotes are provided, please provide a cover page/costings summary of the quotes/costings that equals the total project cost
  • Evidence confirming funding required to finish the project:
    • letter from Chief Executive Officer confirming the applicant’s funding commitment to the project and commitment to underwrite cost escalations to deliver the scope outlined in the application. This provides further confidence that the project can proceed. Please also provide a Council Resolution if available
    • In addition to the above, SRV also requires:
      • where funding is from another government department, evidence of this funding through letter or funding agreement must be provided
      • where funding from clubs/organisations is indicated:
        • a letter from that organisation’s authorised officer, stating the funding amount committed
        • current bank statement/s demonstrating the funding amount is held by the organisation.
  • Attach evidence that the Aboriginal Heritage Planning Tool (Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006) has been completed to determine if a Cultural Heritage Management Plan is required for the project
  • Schedule of Use
  • Fair Play Code Form for Tenants from all clubs and/or associations that are tenants of the facility and benefiting from the project
  • Letters of support from organisations that clearly indicate how the group is involved with or benefits from the project
  • Evidence of community and stakeholder consultation where there is any impact of the proposed project on residential or community amenity. Evidence must include:
    • how the local community has been consulted/informed about the proposed project (for example, on site consultation, letter box drop, social media posts)
    • consultation findings and outcomes of any engagement (community consultation report, summary of resident feedback, recent master plan).

Mandatory (if applicable)

  • For prefabricated/modular construction projects: Detailed Area Schedule
  • In kind and voluntary labour support form
  • For projects on private land:
    • a legally binding land-use agreement
  • For projects on school land:
    • executed Joint Use Agreement, or a completed Community Joint Use Proposal letter from the Department of Education central office that indicates endorsement of the project
    • applicants requesting this letter should email the Department of Education at


  • Evidence of current facility condition (for example, photographs of current facility)
  • Gender Impact Assessment
  • Project Governance Framework
  • Business or Feasibility Planning Documents
  • Environmentally Sustainable Design report(s) and budget
  • Facility Management Plan
  • Soil/Geotechnical assessments
  • Access audit.

6 – Application process and closing date

Step 1 – Confirm eligibility

Action required:

  • confirm you are an eligible applicant and meet other eligibility requirements – as per Section 2
  • confirm grant amount sought is within the SRV funding limits – as per Section 3
  • confirm the funding ratio – as per Section 3.3.

Step 2 – Contact SRV and relevant State Sporting Association (AFL Victoria and/or Netball Victoria)

Action required:

  • LGAs must discuss project ideas with their SRV representative/s prior to applying.
  • LGAs will be provided with:
    • high-level design feedback including alignment with relevant sporting guidelines
    • guidance on the development of proposals that have merit, that align with the Program objectives and that are ready to proceed
  • applicants should seek independent advice before signing a Grant Agreement.

Step 3 – Prepare application and supporting documents

LGAs to prepare application by addressing all assessment criteria and submitting all mandatory supporting documents.

The preparation and submission of applications are at the cost of the applicant.

Step 4 – Submit application by closing date

Eligible applicants must complete the application form (including responses to the assessment criteria) via the Country Football and Netball Program page by 5:00 pm on Monday 7 July 2025.

An application must address all assessment criteria. Claims made against each criterion must be substantiated with evidence.

Applications submitted after the closing date may not be considered eligible unless an extension has been requested and approved in writing by SRV before the closing date. Approval will only be granted under exceptional circumstances (for example, significant technology disruptions or impacts from natural disasters).

Step 5 – Submit supporting documents by closing date

Email all supporting documents by 5:00 pm on Monday 7 July 2025 to

Please ensure all supporting documents are clearly named (for example, Plans – Project Name, Costs – Project Name).

Zip all supporting documents into one compressed folder. Please see instructions below on how to zip files into a compressed folder.

Quote your project name in the subject line of your email.

If documentation is not provided at the time of application, SRV reserves the right to deem the application ineligible.

If you experience any issues with emailing your supporting documentation, please email

Compressing files into a compressed folder: Select all files using your mouse, then right click, select Send to and then select Compressed (zipped) folder. This will prompt a Save window allowing you to save all selected files into one compressed folder.

The size limit of an email varies between 20mb to 30mb. If your documents combined exceed this, you will need to split them into separate compressed folders and email them separately (for example, Part 1 – Project Name, Part 2 – Project Name).

7 – Types of projects that will not be funded

  • Applications from LGAs that do not have an acceptable gender equitable access and use policy (or equivalent) in place
  • facilities where little or no public access is available
  • the purchase of land (in general, the land on which the facility development is proposed will be municipal property, a Crown reserve, land owned by a public authority, private land with public access rights or land held for public purposes by trustees)
  • requests for retrospective funding, where projects have commenced construction or are completed prior to the execution of a grant agreement (construction includes, but is not limited to demolition, site clearing, earthworks, building works and any form of early works)
  • buildings or equipment considered temporary or not permanent in nature or intended use
  • metal halide lighting (only LED lighting systems will be funded)
  • upgrading or redeveloping kitchens or public toilet facilities, except as part of a larger project that meets the objectives of the Program
  • requests for ongoing operational costs such as, but not limited to, salaries, electricity, water, asset maintenance and other utilities
  • routine or cyclical maintenance works
  • purchasing or maintaining recreation, entertainment, sporting, lifesaving or any other equipment (except as part of facility fit out)
  • projects previously funded by SRV unless applicants can demonstrate additional or new uses resulting in increased participation/programming outcomes
  • projects that do not meet relevant sport or Australian Standards (for example, lighting projects). Facilities that do not comply with the relevant sport standard must seek exemption from the relevant sporting organisation and supply appropriate evidence to be supported by the Program
  • the replacement of like-for-like surfaces (for example, synthetic surface replaced by a similar synthetic surface) are ineligible for funding. To be eligible for funding the application will need to demonstrate that additional uses are proposed and/or a multi-purpose element is being introduced. Exceptional circumstances may be considered where significant safety or compliance issues are evident, and an activity will not continue to be conducted as a result. Applicants will need to provide a condition audit or other technical evidence demonstrating the safety or compliance issue
  • repair of facilities damaged by vandalism, fire or other natural disasters where the damage can be fully covered by insurance. The Program may consider supporting applications where the scope includes elements that are not covered by insurance, or for amounts exceeding the value insured
  • in general, areas designated as licenced areas within a proposed facility will not be eligible for funding. DJSIR may consider applications where a restricted club licence is proposed or in place, provided that the restricted licence does not interfere with the facility’s other amenities or services, such as childcare or access by young people
  • projects where contributions from funding partners are not confirmed in writing and by bank statement/s or underwritten by the applicant
  • tenant clubs that have failed to resolve a breach of the Fair Play Code
  • applications for bundled projects where the one single application proposes to deliver multiple projects that will occur at different sites
  • applications where the project beneficiary receives revenue directly from Electronic Gaming Machines will not be prioritised
  • scoreboards, behind goal netting, coaches’ boxes and other supporting infrastructure unless considered a minor component of a larger project.

8 – Assessment process

A Program Steering Committee has been formed to oversee this Program including the assessment of applications. The committee comprises representatives from SRV, AFL, AFL Victoria and Netball Victoria.

Only eligible applications will be assessed and considered for funding by the department. An application must address all assessment criteria as per Section 4. Claims made against each criterion must be substantiated with evidence.

SRV reserves the right to not assess an application should insufficient information be provided, including responses to assessment criteria and mandatory supporting documentation.

SRV reserves the right to negotiate a lower than requested funding amount for submitted applications.

Applications will be considered against the assessment criteria by SRV staff and then reviewed by a Moderation Panel. The Moderation Panel will also consider the Investment Priorities outlined at Section 1.4 and in each stream before making recommendations to the Minister.

SRV will also consider an applicant’s past performance and the organisation’s capacity to deliver projects on time. Compliance with past Grant Agreements and the number and duration of overdue milestones (including outcomes reports) for existing projects will also be considered, along with live projects with significant budget shortfalls.

Decisions regarding funding by the Minister for Community Sport are final and no further correspondence shall be entered into regarding such decisions.

LGAs are invited to seek feedback from SRV on unsuccessful applications.

9 – Conditions that apply to funding

9.1 – Grant agreements

Successful applicants must enter a Grant Agreement with DJSIR with initial project payments made in the 2025–26 financial year.

The Grant Agreement will include reference to the following:

  • the facility tenant club/s are expected to adhere to the Fair Play Code or related state sporting association Code of Conduct. More information can be found at Fair Play Code
  • recipients may seek timing and/or scope variations for funded projects. Consideration of variations may lead to changes in deliverables, milestones, grant amount and payments
  • LGAs must inform the participating organisation/s, where applicable, of all funding arrangements and obligations in relation to the grant allocation. This includes ensuring the funded project does not start prior to the execution of the Grant Agreement
  • acknowledgement and Ministerial event requirements.

An LGA officer must be designated to manage the project and provide information to DJSIR according to the following key reporting requirements:

  • a Project Management Framework must be completed and submitted for all applications
  • LGAs must secure SRV’s endorsement of key documents such as schematic plans and architectural/planning briefs prior to works commencing. Projects must not start or be tendered until endorsement is provided. SRV may not make milestone payments if endorsement is not secured in a timely manner
  • LGAs must provide project acquittal documentation as required
  • LGAs are expected to guarantee the cash flow payments towards works where a community organisation is providing funding contributions for a project
  • LGAs must contribute information on activity outcomes for use in outcomes reporting, program evaluation reviews or DJSIR publications, 12 months after project acquittal.

9.2 – Acknowledging the Victorian Government’s support and promoting success

Successful applicants need to acknowledge the Victorian Government, AFL, AFL Victoria and Netball Victoria’s support through the provision of a grant from the Program. Promotional guidelines form part of the grant agreement and include the requirement that all activities acknowledge Victorian Government, AFL, AFL Victoria and Netball Victoria’s support through logo presentation on any activity-related publications, media releases and promotional material; and/or placing a Victorian Government endorsed sign at the site of infrastructure activities.

Details of requirements for funded projects are available in our Infrastructure Grants Acknowledgement and Publicity Guidelines.

Successful applicants may be required to contribute information on activity outcomes for use in program evaluation reviews or the department’s marketing materials.

9.3 – Payments

Payments will be made conditional upon:

  • the Grant Agreement having been signed by both parties
  • milestones having been achieved to DJSIR’s satisfaction including provision of required/requested information and reports to the satisfaction of DJSIR
  • other terms and conditions of funding continue to be met.

A minimum of 5% of the grant will be paid upon financial acquittal of the project.

Payments advanced prior to completion are subject to refund if the Project is not performed in accordance with the Grant Agreement.

9.4 – Privacy

DJSIR is committed to protecting the privacy of applicants. Any personal information provided through the application will be collected for the purposes of administering the grant application and informing the public of successful applications.

To be able to administer grant applications effectively and efficiently, DJSIR may need to disclose applicants’ personal information to State and Commonwealth Government departments and external experts, such as members of assessment panels, for the purposes of assessment, consultation, and reporting. If there is an intention to include personal information about third parties in the application, applicants should ensure they are aware of, and consent to the contents of this privacy statement.

Any personal information about applicants or third parties will be collected, held, managed, used, disclosed or transferred in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and other applicable laws.

Enquiries about access to personal information, or for other concerns regarding the privacy of personal information, can be emailed to the DJSIR Privacy Unit at

10 – Resources and additional information

SRV has consolidated several helpful guidelines, tools and resources to assist with project and application development that can be found in our resources section.

Supporting documentation, forms and templates

Templates, forms and factsheets to support applications can be found in our resources section.

These include but are not limited to:

Universal Design

The concept of Universal Design is to make the built environment more usable to as many people as possible, at little or no additional cost. Our Design for Everyone Guide incorporates the Universal Design principles approach to best practice facility design.

Environmentally Sustainable Design

Projects are encouraged to consider Environmentally Sustainable Design. This should be demonstrated with a specific Environmentally Sustainable Design budget in the application. It is good practice to incorporate Environmentally Sustainable Design initiatives in all projects where possible. See our Environmentally Sustainable Design factsheet.

Female Friendly Sport Infrastructure Guidelines

The Female Friendly Sport Infrastructure Guidelines provide information and advice on how to deliver more gender equitable environments. The Guidelines have relevance to all funding streams.

Fair Access Policy Roadmap

The Fair Access Policy Roadmap aims to develop a statewide foundation to improve the access to, and use of, community sports infrastructure for women and girls. All Victorian LGAs will need to have an acceptable gender equitable access and use policy (or equivalent) in place to be considered eligible to receive community sport infrastructure funding. These policies will ensure that women and girls can fully participate in and enjoy the benefits of community sport, with fair opportunity and access to their local facilities.

Gender Impact Assessments

The Gender Equality Act 2020 requires certain organisations, including LGAs, to do Gender Impact Assessments so that all new policies, programs and services and those up for review, that directly and significantly impact the public, benefit all Victorians. Further information to help understand if a Gender Impact Assessments is required, can be found one the Gender Equality Commission website.

Fair Play Code

All facility tenant club(s) are expected to adhere to the Fair Play Code or related state sporting association Code of Conduct. All tenant organisations should also completed a Fair Play Code Form for Tenants.

Cultural Heritage Management Plans (Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018)

This tool is used and completed to determine if a Cultural Heritage Management Plan is required for the project. For more information see the First Peoples – State Relations website.

Future proofing community sport and recreation facilities: a road map for climate change management for the sport and recreation facilities sector

The Guide is designed to support community sports clubs in understanding their impact on the environment and to empower, equip and motivate them to take action and change behaviours within their clubs. Download it from the Sports Environment Alliance website.

Victoria’s women construction strategy

The Strategy is designed to increase women’s participation in the trade and semi-skilled ‘blue collar’ work in Victoria. In doing so, it will take another important step towards gender equality. More information can be found at Victoria's Women in Construction Strategy.

11 – Glossary



Access audit

An access audit is an assessment that rates a building for useability and accessibility for a wide range of users, including people with a disability. It identifies barriers or potential barriers to people with a disability accessing a building and using services inside and around the building.

Concept Plan

A concept plan serves as a starting point in the site development process.

It provides preliminary drawings that convey the concept of the project but with insufficient detail to provide a basis for project costing.

Commencement of Works

The undertaking of any project activities that contribute to the physical construction of new infrastructure or upgrades, improvements, refurbishment of existing infrastructure as outlined in the application and supporting information. This includes, but is not limited to, site clearing, earthworks, building works and any form of early works.

Geotechnical Report

A geotechnical report is a site analysis undertaken by a geotechnical engineer. The document communicates ground conditions including soil, rock and groundwater.

Lux Charts/ Lighting Plans

Detailed plans that outline the lux (illumination) that will be exhibited across the court/field/pitch. These requirements are sport specific.


Participation is defined as engaging, coaching, officiating or volunteering in a sport or active recreation activity.

Quantity Surveyor (QS) Report

A Quantity Surveyor report is a cost plan estimating construction costs completed by a qualified Quantity Surveyor and based on plans that are at least at a schematic level.

Schematic Plan

Refers to scaled and labelled drawings produced by a professional designer or architect of an agreed development option. These plans are used to identify the project scope in sufficient detail to enable accurate project costings.

These guidelines are subject to changes at the discretion of the Minister for Community Sport.

Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025
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