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Sustainable Volunteer Workforce Program 2024 to 2027: Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is the Sustainable Volunteer Workforce Program?

The Sustainable Volunteer Workforce Program (the Program) will provide grants for initiatives which aim to build a sustainable volunteer workforce and support volunteer engagement, retention and find ways to better support the workforce to deliver sport and active recreation in regional Victoria.

The objective of the Program is to increase the productivity, capability and resilience of the community sport and active recreation workforce (including paid staff and volunteers) and support its operational sustainability.

The Program will achieve this by supporting initiatives that help a variety of sporting and active recreation organisations engage, retain, build capability, and alleviate burden on volunteers in regional Victoria.

If you have not received a link to the application portal, please contact us.

A detailed description of the application process is set out in section ‘8. How to apply’ on the Program Guidelines.

Who is eligible to apply?

Applications will be accepted from Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) recognised:

  • State Sporting Associations (SSAs)
  • State Sport and Active Recreation Bodies (SSARBs)
  • Regional Sports Assemblies (RSAs) and Regional Sport Victoria.

The list of recognised Victorian sport and recreation organisations can be found in the Our Sector section of our website.

Applicant organisations must also meet the following criteria at the time of application and, if successful, for the term of any funding agreement:

  • be a non-government, not-for-profit incorporated body operating in Victoria,
  • hold an active and valid Australian Business Number (ABN); and
  • be a legal entity operating as either:
    • an incorporated association; or
    • a public company limited by guarantee.
  • have a minimum of 40% women on their board or committee or be able to provide an Office for Women in Sport and Recreation approved work plan to meet this requirement.
  • have met reporting requirements on any grants previously received from SRV to its satisfaction.
  • implement and maintain policies relating to member protection and Child Safe Standards.
  • where applicable, must be able to meet the following legislation and policy requirements:
    • if an applicant intends to deliver services to children, it must be appropriately insured against child abuse. Further information about this requirement can be found on the Justice and Community Safety website.
    • if an applicant has been named in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, or received notice that it was named in an application for redress to the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse established under the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Act 2018 (Cth) (National Redress Scheme), it must join or provide advice to SRV that it intends to join, the National Redress Scheme.
    • promote and adhere to the Fair Play Code (or) relevant national sporting organisation or state sporting association code of conduct/member protection policy, which incorporates the Fair Play Code.
    • have a Sport Integrity Australia approved anti-doping policy in place and comply with the National Anti-doping Scheme where required.

How do I apply for Sustainable Volunteer Workforce Program funding?

Eligible organisations may submit one application using the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) online grants portal.
Recognised organisations will receive an email with information to support the application process, including:

  • the link to apply through the online grants portal
  • a mandatory template to be completed and attached as part of the application
  • a list of all other mandatory attachments.

How much can I apply for?

Funding of up to $450,000 over 3 years (2024–25 to 2026–27) is available to eligible organisations.

Organisations can choose their requested funding amount based on their detailed project plan.

The assessment will consider applicant organisations’ capability and experience. Therefore, in scoping their projects, applicants should consider their capability, capacity and demonstrated experience in delivering projects of a commensurate size, scale and complexity.

What are the key program dates?

The table below sets out key dates for the program, including application open and close dates:

Applications open 4 July 2024
Applications close 11:59 pm on 19 August 2024
Successful recipients announced By the end of October 2024
Commencement of delivery Upon the Recipient and the State of Victoria (as represented by DJSIR) entering into a grant agreement.

What kinds of projects will be funded under this program?

Organisations may submit one application for projects that support organisations engage, manage, retain and alleviate burden on the community sport and active recreation workforce (paid staff and volunteers) in regional Victoria.

Projects can focus on one or multiple regional areas and must have direct flow-on benefits to volunteers, although innovation and reform to traditional ways of working and sustainability should be key areas of focus.

To understand more about the kind of projects that might be funded under this program, please refer to section ‘4. What will be funded’ on the Program Guidelines.

Do the projects need to be delivered in regional Victoria only?

The funding for the Program is only available for projects delivered in regional Victoria.

Rural and regional Victoria is defined as the 48 local government areas set out in Schedule 2 of the Regional Development Victoria Act 2002, including alpine resort areas.

What does ‘areas of higher socio-economic disadvantage’ mean and which areas of regional Victoria fall under the same?

Areas of higher socio-economic disadvantage are defined as those within deciles 1 to 6 of the Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage, which is developed by Australian Bureau of Statistics based on information from the five-yearly Census.

You can access the list of 28 regional victorian local government areas on the Regional Victorian LGAs with higher levels of socio-economic disadvantage page.

What information do I need to include in my application?

Applicants will need to answer all mandatory questions on the online application form (link provided by SRV via email) and also attach the following documentation:

  • Mandatory Attachments (all applications):
    • Quality of project planning and design template provided by SRV,
  • Mandatory Attachments (where applicable):
    • Partnership support letters / MOUs (mandatory for projects with identified partners)
    • Insurance policy including child abuse coverage (mandatory if applicable, see section 2 and section 9.6 for further information about projects requiring this insurance)
  • Optional Supporting Attachments:
    • Organisational Strategic Plans.

For further information regarding assessment criteria, please also refer to section ‘6. Assessment Criteria’ on the Program Guidelines.

I’m having a problem logging on to the website and submitting my application.

If you are experiencing any issue related to the application process, please contact us.

How much detail is required in the application form?

The application form will help organisations demonstrate how projects will meet the criteria specified in the guidelines and deliver outcomes aligned with Program objectives and outcomes. Applicants who provide detailed and thorough responses to each question may better demonstrate how their project meets the selection criteria.

The word count allowed for each question is indicative of the level of detail required.

Do I have to confirm partners as part of the application?

Partnerships and co-contributions (in-kind or financial support) between SRV recognised organisations and / or other community organisations are highly encouraged.

Where an application proposes that partners will make a material contribution to a project, the applicant is required to specify the partner(s), explain their roles and responsibilities, and provide evidence of the partner’s commitment to the project (e.g. via a letter of support, draft Memorandum of Understanding, etc.).

Will there be more funding rounds?

No, there is only one round. Successful projects can be delivered over 3 years.

How can I find out further information about Child Abuse Insurance and the Redress Scheme?

For information on Child Safe Standards, Victorian Funding Guideline for Services to Children and National Redress Scheme, including liks to sources, please refer to page 14 of the Program Guidelines.

Can I submit more than one application?

Organisations are able to submit one application only.

How do I access the recording of the information session hosted by SRV on 10 July 2024?

You can find a video of the information session organised jointly for the Sustainable Volunteer Workforce Program and Strengthening Regional Community Sport on the DJSIR YouTube channel.

When you access the link, you will notice chapters outlined to help find relevant information, including the 2 separate programs.

How can I receive further information?

Organisations are encouraged to discuss proposed applications with their SRV Relationship Manager or Sector Service team as early as possible in the application period.

Additionally, if you require further information, you can contact us.

Please provide your contact details and a member of the Sector Development team will get in contact with you.

How does the resource development under the Sustainable Volunteer Workforce Program (the Program) differ to the Learning and Development Hub stream under the All Abilities Workforce and Sector Support Program?

A project that develops new and unique resources and practical solutions for local clubs across areas such as member protection, volunteer recruitment and governance, might be funded under this Program. For example, development of recruitment packs, retention strategies and succession planning procedures for volunteers and clubs or engaging experts to work with local clubs to implement good practice guides in complex or challenging areas (e.g. member protection, volunteer recruitment and management, governance, etc).

The All Abilities Workforce and Sector Support Program’s Learning and Development Hub stream aims to design, develop and deliver resources, training and learning opportunities to provide guidance and expertise on best practice disability inclusion in the sport and active recreation sector.

Can I apply for projects that scale up existing activities that are proven to be successful, but might not necessarily be new?

Projects that leverage not duplicate existing government or sector investment are highly encouraged.

The Program will not fund projects that the applicant is already delivering. Applications that demonstrate additional value and address the criteria outlined in the Program’s Guidelines will be assessed. For example, you could demonstrate how learnings from existing projects could be expanded or delivered into a new geographic area in regional Victoria.

Page last updated: 01 Aug 2024
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