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Sporting Club Grants Program Application Questions and Guidance: Category 2 – Volunteers and Officials

The page will help you prepare the information you need to apply for funding.

Outlined on this page are:

  • the questions you will be asked on the application form
  • the details you will need to provide in the application form
  • tips to submit your application online through the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) Grants Portal.

Applicants must submit a completed online application via the DJSIR Grants Portal before 4 pm on Thursday 27 March 2025. Please do not submit this document as your application.

You can also download a copy of the application questions and guidance using the link below.

Starting an application

To start an application, visit the Sporting Club Grants Program page.

Find the Apply Now section, then select the link relating to the category you wish to apply for.

Sporting Club Grant Program web page showing important dates.
Image: the Sporting Club Grants Program web page

User Registration and Log In

You will need to log in to the DJSIR Grants Portal:

  • if you’re already a registered user, you’ll be directed to enter your username and password
  • if you’ve forgotten your password, you can click on the Forgot Password link on the Log In page.

If you’re not a registered user, you’ll need to select the Create an Account link.

A snapshot of the Grants Portal Log-in webpage, with fields for username, password, a reCAPTCHA checkbox, and a ‘Log In’ button.
Image: The login screen of the DJSIR grants portal

Save as Draft

Click Save as Draft before closing your web browser. Once you’ve saved your draft application, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to your draft application and a unique Grant Application (GA) number.

Visual representation of the ‘Save as Draft’ button.

To return to your draft application, click on the link in the email, or log back in to your account on the DJSIR Grants Portal.

Icon of a laptop displaying text fields labeled ‘Application’ and ‘GA number’.

Submit your application

Make sure you have provided all information and attachments required.

To finish your application, click Save and Submit before 4 pm, on 27 March 2025.

Visual representation of the ‘Save and Submit’ button.

Once you’ve saved and submitted your application, you will receive a confirmation email. For your reference, keep the email, GA-number and save a PDF copy of your application.

 Icon of a checklist with three checked boxes.

Category 2: Volunteers and Officials

In this category, applicants can apply for:

  • up to $5,000 to:
    • improve the skills and knowledge of volunteers, coaches and/or officials, or
    • introduce or enhance an ongoing volunteer program.

Section 1: Application eligibility & attestation

In this section, applicants will answer questions about their eligibility to apply for funding through this program. Only applicants who meet eligibility requirements will be able to progress and submit their application.

To check your organisation’s eligibility, please read the 2024-25 Sporting Club Grants Program Guidelines.

Question: Did your organisation receive a Sporting Club Grant in Category 1, 2 or 3 of the 2023-24 Program or Round 1 of the 2024-25 Program?

Your answer: Yes or No.

Applicants that received a grant in Category 1, 2 or 3 of the Sporting Club Grants Program in 2023-24 or 2024-25 are not eligible to apply or receive funding through Category 2.

If unsure, please check the previous Sporting Club Grants Program recipients at Sporting Club Grants Program.

Question: Does your organisation adhere to and enforce the Fair Play Code, or your State Sporting Association's code of conduct and/or member protection policy, which incorporates the Fair Play Code?

Your answer: Yes or No or N/A.

Applicants must meet this requirement to receive a grant through this program.

Further information can be found on our Fair Play Code page.

Question: Has your organisation implemented, and is it maintaining, policies relating to Child Safe Standards?

Your answer: Yes or No.

Applicants must meet this requirement to receive a grant through this program.

Further information about Child Safe Standards can be found on the Commission for Children and Young People website.

Question: Does your organisation comply with the requirements and expectations of the Australian National Anti-Doping Scheme and Australian National Anti-Doping Policy (where required)?

Your answer: Yes or No or N/A.

Applicants must meet this requirement (if applicable) to receive a grant through this program.

Question: Is your organisation affiliated with a recognised State Sporting Association (SSA) or State Sport and Active Recreation Body (SSARB)?

Your answer: Yes or No.

It is not mandatory for applicants to be affiliated with an SSA or SSARB.

If ‘Yes’, enter the name of the SSA or SSARB

Question: Have you read and understood the Conditions of Grant applicable to this program, and does your organisation acknowledge and agree to be bound by the Conditions of Grant?

Your answer: Yes or No.

To be funded through this program, applicants must accept and agree to be bound by the Conditions of Grant.

Question: Has your organisation completed all reporting responsibilities (e.g. grant acquittal) on any grants previously received from Sport and Recreation Victoria?

Your answer: Yes or No or Unsure.

To be funded through this program, applicants must have completed all reporting responsibilities on any previous grants.  If unsure, for confirmation please email

Question: Have you obtained a quote(s) that corresponds to all eligible items and are equal to, or greater than the total amount requested for funding.

Your answer: Yes or No.

All applications must include a quote(s) that corresponds to all items to be funded.

Funding is only available for items purchased from 28 March 2025 onwards. This program does not reimburse for items already purchased.

Review the Program Guidelines, for the eligible costs, and costs we will not fund in Category 2, to ensure the requested items are funded through this program.

Section 2: Applicant organisation

In this section, applicants will include details that provide an overall profile about their organisation.

Question: Name of Applicant Organisation

Your answer: Enter your organisation’s legal entity name

Question: Type of Organisation.

Your answer:

Select one:

  • Incorporated Association
  • Company limited by guarantee
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation
  • None of the above.

Question: If you selected Incorporated Association – Incorporated Association Register Number.

Your answer: Provide your 9-digit Incorporated Association Register Number

The format is the letter "A" followed by 7 digits and then an uppercase letter, for example A1234567W.

Check your organisation’s registration number on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website.

Your status must be Registered to apply and receive funding.

Question: If you selected Company limited by guarantee:

Australian Company Number (ACN)

Your answer: Provide your 9-digit ACN number.

Check your organisation's ACN on the ASIC Register.

Question: If you selected Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Number (ICN)

Your answer: Provide your 4-digit ICN number

Check your organisation’s ICN on the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations website.

In this section, applicants will include details that provide an overall profile about their organisation.

Question: If you selected None of the above:

By selecting 'None of the above' you must nominate an eligible auspice organisation in Section 4 of this application form. Your auspice organisation will receive, and auspice, all grant funds paid in the event of a successful application

Your answer: Agree or Do Not Agree.

The applicant may proceed with the application but must provide details of an auspice organisation in Section 4 of the application form.

In addition, a letter of support must be attached to Section 9 of the application form, confirm that the auspice organisation agrees to act as such.

Question: Does your Organisation have an Australian Business Number (ABN)?

Your answer: Yes – Provide your 11-digit ABN.

Check your organisation's ABN on the ABN Lookup website.

No – you must complete, sign and attach an Australian Taxation Office Statement by a Supplier form to this section.

How to fill in ATO Statement by Supplier form:

  • Section A: Supplier details – provide your organisation’s name and address.
  • Section B: Declaration – provide an authorised person’s name, signature and date.

Question:  Organisation’s physical location address.

Your answer: This address is where your organisation conducts its main sport or activity – e.g. sports ground, recreation reserve, clubroom, local facility.

Enter the street address in the lookup box provide, then scroll down to select the pre-existing address that matches your organisation’s address.

If the address can’t be found, select the ‘click here to enter an address manually’ link (see below) and manually enter the address:

Text on the application form reading, 'The entered address could not be found or is of an invalid address format. Please review the input and try again.' Followed by a web link with the text, 'Alternatively, click here to enter an address manually.

Question: Is the organisation's postal address the same as the physical location address?

Your answer:

  • Yes – proceed to next section
  • No – repeat the address lookup function detailed in the previous question, this time searching for the postal address.

Section 3: Authorised representative

In this section, applicants must include the details of the person at your organisation selected as the Authorised Representative for the application.

An Authorised Representative means an officer of the organisation that has authority and capacity to enter the grant agreement on behalf of the applying organisation. This person must be selected by the applying organisation to submit this application and receive an Email of Acceptance (if the application is successful).


  • Title
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Role within the organisation
  • Telephone
  • Mobile
  • Email.

Your answer:

Enter the details in the relevant response boxes provided.

Telephone number must have prefix +61 followed by the area code (without the leading zero) then the 8-digit number with no spaces or special characters.

Mobile numbers must have prefix +61 followed by the remainder of the mobile number (without the leading zero) with no spaces or special characters.

Email must be accurate and active. Sport and Recreation Victoria will communicate outcomes to this email.

Question: I would like to subscribe this email to the Sport and Recreation Victoria newsletter.

Your answer: Optional – tick box.

Section 4: Auspice organisation

In this section, applicants can provide details of an auspice organisation. If the applicant organisation is NOT an incorporated association OR a company limited by guarantee OR an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation, you must nominate an auspice organisation to receive and manage grant funds if the application is successful.

Question: If this application is successful, will you require an auspice organisation to manage the grant funds?

Your answer:

Yes – applicant is prompted to provide full details of the auspice organisation including:

  • Legal entity registration number
  • ABN
  • Physical and postal addresses, and
  • Authorised representative’s contact information.

If nominating an auspice organisation, applicants must upload a letter of support from the auspice organisation to confirm they agree to act as such. This letter must be uploaded to the form at Section 9.

No – applicant may proceed to the next section.

Section 5: Project details

In this section, applicants will provide details about the project your organisation intends to undertake with this grant.

Question: Project Name.

Your answer: In 10 words or less, name your project, for example 'Volunteer recognition event', 'Training to up-skill coaches', 'First-aid training for volunteers'.

Question: Amount requested from this program.

Your answer: Applicant is to provide an amount up to $5,000 in the space provided.

The amount requested should include all GST that will be payable, regardless of your organisations GST status.

Question: What is your project?

Provide a brief and clear description of your project

Your answer: In 200 words or less, answers must include:

  • who at your organisation (volunteers, umpires, coaches, committee members) and how many people will participate
  • the proposed start and completion date, or a proposed timeline
  • if the project is to support training, development or knowledge building, who is facilitating or delivering the course
  • any relevant specifics relating to what you want to do with funding.

Question: Does your project involve the delivery of 'services to children' under the age of 18 years?

‘Services to children’ means services provided by anon-government organisation that is responsible for the supervision of, or authority over, a child under the age of 18 years on a recurring basis. This includes the provision of: Care; Education; and Services or activities

Your answer:

Yes – applicant is alerted to attach insurance documentation to the application.

Child abuse insurance is required for projects if the grant funds will be directly used to deliver services to children under the age of 18 years on a recurring basis. In such instances, the applicant must have child abuse insurance with a minimum insured amount of $5 million per claim and $10 million in the aggregate, exclusive of public liability insurance.

Written advice from the insurance provider must be uploaded to section 9 of the application. The whole insurance policy is required, not solely the certificate of currency.

No – applicant may proceed to the next question

Question: In 100 words or less, tell us about your organisation. Please include: which sport or active recreation you deliver; where your organisation is located and what are your aims?

Answer: Answer in 100 words or less in the space provided.

Section 6: Assessment criteria

In this section, applicants must respond to the assessment questions as noted below and in the Program Guidelines. The Sporting Club Grants Program includes a competitive application process. Eligibility does not guarantee success and it is expected that more applications will be received than the amount of funding available.

Make sure you include all the information required, as applications are assessed on the details submitted and you’ll not be contacted during the assessment phase to clarify or request further details.

Question 1: How do volunteers and/or officials contribute to your organisation? Who are they, what are their current needs and how will your project improve their skills, knowledge, capacity or capability?

Your answer: Answer in 200 words or less in the space provided.

Question 2: How will funding help your organisation’s volunteers and/or officials deliver sport and active recreation in your community now and into the future?

Your answer: Answer in 200 words or less in the space provided.

Question 3: What is your organisation’s commitment to increase the diversity and retain the participation of volunteers and officials at your organisation? How would this funding help create a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for volunteers and officials at your organisation?

Your answer: Answer in 200 words or less in the space provided.

Section 7: Beneficiaries – Communities and groups

In this section organisations can indicate who are the groups that will directly benefit from receiving the requested grant.

People can belong to more than one of the listed groups, or none at all.

Questions with an asterisk (*) indicate a mandatory response.

Enter 0 (zero) if none, or not applicable to this grant or your application.

Question: Within your organisation, will any of the following groups directly benefit from receiving this grant?

If yes, please indicate how many people will benefit.

Your answer: Answer by putting a number in the applicable boxes.

  • Women and girls*
  • People with disability*
  • People who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander*.

Question: What is the primary sport or active recreation activity that relates to this application?

Your answer: Select up to three sports/activities only and click on the right-pointing arrow to add to the Selected Items list.

Activity selction part of the form. The left side shows items including Table Sports, Table Tennis and Taekwondo. This last option is highlighlited in blue to show it has been selected. In the middle is the word 'Add' with an arros below it facing right. Another left facing arrow is below that with the word 'Remove' below it. To the right is an empty box labelled 'Selected items'.

Section 8: Project budget

$5,000 is the maximum amount you can request.

This section must reflect the entire scope of your project. It should include all eligible costs that relate specifically to this application and the amount requested.

In the budget below, enter the full amount requested. Please enter the amount including cents, for example, 988.50. Do not round-up figures, do not use the $ (dollar) symbol and do not use commas.

In the budget below, enter a description of your costs and the value ($). This should add up to the grant amount requested.

Grant payments made under this program will be provided exclusive of GST. If funding will be used to pay expenses attracting GST, the amount requested should include all GST that will be payable for that supply.

Grant amount requested

  • Amount Requested from the program $.
  • TOTAL GRANT AMOUNT $ (This amount is auto populated).

Project costs (up to the total grants amount)

  • Cost 1 $ – Cost 1 Description e.g. CPR training
  • Cost 2 $ – Cost 2 Description
  • Cost 3 $ – Cost 3 Description
  • Cost 4 $ – Cost 4 Description
  • Cost 5 $ – Cost 5 Description
  • Cost 6 $ – Cost 6 Description
  • TOTAL COSTS REQUESTED $ (This amount is auto populated).

Section 9: Attachments

In this section, you will upload all mandatory support documentation to accompany your application.

Your application must include one or more quotes which correspond to all items to be funded .

Quotes must:

  • be dated from 1 October 2024
  • be equal to, or greater than the total amount requested from this program
  • include details: item name, description, quantity, unit and total costs
  • include the supplier’s business/company details (business name, ABN and/or website).

Provided they contain all of the above information, acceptable quotes can include website shopping carts or screen shots and unpaid invoices.

If the applicant is nominating an auspice organisation, a letter of support from that auspice organisation, confirming they agree to act as such, must be attached in this section.

The acceptable file types for all attachments are: Word, Excel, PDF or JPEG only. Please ensure attachments are under 5MB.
You must upload at least one attachment to proceed with your application.

Image of the file upload feature of the application form. The left side shows document types like 'Quote for uniforms / participation equipment' follows by a 'Select file' button and a note 'max size 5 MB'.

Section 10: Bank account details

In this section you will provide your organisation’s bank account details and declare the details provided to be true, complete and accurate. You will be required to confirm your answers twice to ensure accuracy.

Personal bank account details must not be provided. We will only pay grant funds into the account of the organisation.

Question: Account Name.

Your answer: Enter the name of an account belonging to the applicant organisation.

Question: BSB Code.

Your answer: Enter the 6-digit BSB code without dashes, spaces or commas.

Question: Account Number.

Your answer: Enter the bank account number (maximum of 9 digits) without dashes, spaces or commas.

Question: Email (to be used for remittance advice).

Your answer: Provide an email address where remittance advice will be sent (note this does not need to be the same email address as the one belonging to the authorised representative for this application.

Declaration: I declare that the details provided in this application are true, complete and accurate, including the Australian bank account details (BSB and Account Number). I acknowledge and accept that the provision of incorrect details will delay the processing of my application and/or not receiving payment as a result of the provision of incorrect bank account details.

Your answer: You must check the box to accept the declaration and be able to proceed with the application.

Section 11: Declaration

In this section you will be presented with information relating to:


Applicants must read, agree to and accept the declarations, prior to submitting their application.

Declaration 1: By checking this box, I/We as the authorised representative of the Applicant confirm the accuracy of all details in this Application, and make each of the declarations set out above on behalf of the Applicant in the knowledge the Department is receiving this information and will rely on it when making decisions about this application and any payment of the grant to the Applicant.

Answer: You must check the box to accept the declaration and be able to proceed with the application.

Declaration 2: By checking this box, I/We as the authorised representative(s) of the Applicant confirm the Conditions of Grant have been accessed, read and are understood by the Applicant (through each of its officers and representatives) and if an Agreement (as defined in the Conditions of Grant is formed), the Applicant agrees to be bound by the Agreement.

Answer: You must check the box to accept the declaration and be able to proceed with the application.

Question: Name

Your answer: Enter your full legal name.

Question: Position

Your answer: Enter your position within the applicant organisation.

Question: Date

Your answer: Select today’s date from the calendar.

Save and preview: Click Save and Preview

Please review the information to ensure completeness and accuracy before submitting.

Save and Submit: Click Save and Submit

A confirmation message will be displayed and emailed.

If you do not receive this message, contact us at

Page last updated: 28 Feb 2025
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