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Together More Active 2023-27 Round 2 – Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How do I apply for Together More Active 2023-27 funding?

A link to the online application form will be provided to eligible organisations via email. If you are unable locate the email with the application link, please contact us.

For further information on how to apply, please refer to the Program Guidelines.

Am I eligible for Together More Active 2023-27 funding?

Together More Active is open to recognised state sporting associations, state sport and active recreation bodies, regional sports assemblies and regional academies of sport. For a full list of eligible organisations, visit the Our sector section of our website.

Please note, organisations receiving funding through the Foundation Funding stream of Round 1 of Together More Active 2023-27 are not eligible to directly apply under Round 2 of the Program, but may partner with other organisations.

What stream was I funded under in Round 1 of Together More Active 2023-27?

A list of organisations funded under each Stream of Round 1 of Together More Active 2023-27 is available in Together More Active 2023-27 (DOCX 254.03 KB) DOCX icon.

How much detail is required in my application?

The application form has been designed to help organisations demonstrate how projects meet the assessment criteria specified in the Program Guidelines and deliver outcomes aligned with Victorian Government priorities. Successful organisations will be asked to complete a more detailed implementation plan upon execution of the funding agreement.

Will Together More Active 2023-27 fund staffing resources?

Together More Active 2023-27 will fund projects that meet the criteria specified in the Program Guidelines and deliver outcomes aligned with Victorian Government priorities.

Projects should demonstrate how they will meet the assessment criteria with the activities being established. Staffing resources can be built into the overall design if it will help the organisation to meet the project outcomes. The sustainability of the project should also be considered when funding is supporting the employment of staff.

Will funding recipients be required to match funding?

Funding requested under Stream 3 – Workforce Development Project Funding must be matched by the organisation(s). Applications under this Stream that do not include a matched co-contribution will be deemed ineligible.

Matched funding under the other Streams of Together More Active 2023-27 is not required. However, co-contributions will be considered during the assessment process.

Can I submit an application which is valued beyond the level of funding available for that Stream?

The level of funding approved will only be up to the limit determined by the relevant Program stream. Assessments will be made based on whether the project demonstrates value for money. Consider scalability and whether the project can benefit the wider community to attract other financial contributions or engagement

My round 2 project application will be for a continuation of a project funded for 2 years in round 1. Will it be prioritised over new projects?

All projects will be assessed against the assessment criteria. A continuation of a project does not guarantee funding will be provided. Organisations are required to demonstrate how all their projects meet the assessment criteria. Continuing projects will be required to build on activities undertaken in round 1.

A project in round 1 wasn’t funded, can I submit the same application again?

Yes, although speak to your SRV Relationship Manager to ensure that the project meets the assessment criteria detailed in the Guidelines and seek feedback as to why the application was not successful in round 1.

My project was funded for 4 years in Round 1, can I apply under Round 2?

Yes, organisations that received project funding for 4 years in Round 1 can apply for funding under Round 2.

I want to apply under Stream 2 – Inclusive Participation Project Funding; who should I partner with?

Applicants under this Stream should source their partners from the following types of organisations: Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, local councils, community health organisations or health services, other specialist community organisations (for example, CALD or disability), higher education providers, schools, clubs, leagues, and associations.

Applications that identify their clubs, leagues or associations as partners are encouraged to engage with organisations located in areas identified with high levels of socio-economic disadvantage (supported by 2021 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census data available on the ABS website).

Appropriate organisational commitment from partner/s, collaborators or demonstrated support from other organisations in the form of letters or an MoU are encouraged.

I cannot find partners to support my application under Stream 2 – Inclusive Participation Project Funding, what should I do?

To be connected with organisations that have expressed an interest in being involved in the Program, please contact us.

Alternatively, a list of recognised organisations is available on the Our Sector section of our website.

How can I find out further information about Child Abuse Insurance and the Redress Scheme?

More information on the Victorian Government Funding Guideline for Services to Children is available on the Department of Justice and Community Safety Organisations providing services to children - new funding requirements web page.

More information on the National Redress Scheme is available on the Department of Justice and Community Safety National Redress Scheme web page.

Why do I have to apply online?

Submitting your application through Grants Online ensures it is received by Sport and Recreation Victoria immediately and can be processed in the most efficient way. If you require assistance with applying online, please contact your SRV Relationship Manager.

Can I apply for infrastructure as part of my project?

No, Together More Active 2023-27 will not fund infrastructure projects as they will not meet the funding criteria. Infrastructure projects are more suited to other funding programs available, speak to your SRV Relationship Manager to determine alternative grant options.

Can projects have a delivery period of less than 2 years?

Yes, the Program Guidelines indicate that funding is available for up to 2 years. Organisations that do not intend to deliver for 2 years should clearly articulate this in their application.

I don’t have a Gender Equity Action Plan, Inclusion Action Plan or Reconciliation Action Plan, can I still apply?

Yes, applicants will be required to have these policies in place by June 2027. Support will be provided to organisations to develop these Plans.

Where can I go for further information on the Together More Active program?

It is advised that all organisations planning to apply for Together More Active 2023-27 Round 2 funding speak to their SRV Relationship Manager and/or attend an information session before applying.

Can I submit my application late?

No. Applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm on Wednesday 29 January 2025.

When will I know the outcome of my application?

Outcomes will be announced in May 2025.

Page last updated: 28 Nov 2024
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