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All Abilities Workforce and Sector Support Program: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the All Abilities Workforce and Sector Support Program?

The All Abilities Workforce and Sector Support Program 2024-27 aims to help educate and upskill the sport and active recreation workforce and provide more opportunities for people with disability to participate on and off the field in regional Victoria.

The Program will support 2 components:

  • establishment of a Learning and Development Hub
  • a Regional Coordinator that will manage place-based activities to build workforce capability and increase opportunities for employment and participation for people with disability in sport and active recreation in regional Victoria.

For program objectives see section 1.3 and program outcomes see section 1.4 of the Guidelines.

What are the funding streams for the All Abilities Workforce and Sector Support Program?

There are 2 funding streams and applicants can choose to apply under one of the following streams:

  • Stream 1: Learning and Development Hub
  • Stream 2: Regional Coordinator.

Please note: An organisation cannot apply to both streams. However, organisations can apply as a partner organisation across both streams and there is no limit to the number of applications an organisation can partner in.

There will only be 2 successful organisations funded. One will be the lead organisation for the Learning and Development Hub and one will be the lead organisation for the Regional Coordinator.

Partnerships are encouraged to support the Program’s activities for both streams.

How much funding is available for each grant?

The Program has total available funding of up to $12.58 million which will be distributed to the Learning and Development Hub and Regional Coordinator.

The Learning and Development Hub will have up to $2.5 million in funding available for program delivery including training and resource development.

The Regional Coordinator will have up to $2.5 million in funding available for program delivery including management of place-based project funding and supporting employment of place-based inclusion officers to complement the existing disability sport workforce and networks in regional Victoria. A further $7.58 million will be available to directly fund place-based projects, managed by the Regional Coordinator subject to Ministerial approval.

Please note: Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) reserves the right to negotiate a lower than requested funding amount for submitted applications.

Should I view the recording of the information session?

Prospective applicants should view the recording of the information session which was held on Thursday 20 June.

The session provided an opportunity to hear more about the Program.

The session was recorded and will be made available as a private link to organisations that register for the Program.

An additional information session may be held depending on the interest in the Program.

Register your interest.

Will there be more funding rounds?

No, there is only one round to be delivered over 3 years.

The Program provides an opportunity to develop resources and pilot sustainable approaches to promote disability inclusion across the sport and active recreation sector.

Who is eligible for the grant funding?

Eligible organisations include:

  • State Sport and Active Recreation Bodies (SSARBs) recognised by SRV
  • Regional Sports Assemblies (RSAs) recognised by SRV
  • sport and recreation, and disability peak bodies and industry groups
  • a community organisation or company involved in training, working with people with disability
  • a health service entity specialising in the provision of services to people with disability
  • a Victorian higher education provider.

To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria at the time of application and if successful for the term of any funding agreement:

  1. be an organisation operating in Victoria and
  2. hold an active and valid Australian Business Number (ABN); and
  3. be a legal entity (other than any legal entity listed at 3.2 in Program Guidelines) including without limitation:
    1. a company registered under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
    2. an incorporated association registered under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic).

Who is ineligible for the grant funding?

The following are not eligible to apply:

  • Victorian Local Government Authorities
  • Commonwealth, state or local government agency or body
  • State Sporting Associations (SSA)
  • Victorian Regional Academy of Sport
  • a company not incorporated in Australia
  • an unincorporated association
  • an individual, for example, a sole trader.

Interested organisations that are not eligible to apply directly for funding may consider partnering with eligible organisations (as per above) to support either the Learning and Development Hub and/or Regional Coordinator.

Can I apply as a lead organisation for both streams?

No, your organisation cannot apply to be the lead organisation for both streams. However, organisations can apply as a lead organisation in one stream and as a partner organisation across both streams, and there is no limit to the number of applications an organisation can partner in.

There will be one organisation successful as the lead organisation for the Learning and Development Hub and one lead organisation for the Regional Coordinator.

Partnerships are encouraged to support the Program’s activities for both streams.

Can I apply as a partner organisation for both streams?

Yes, organisations can apply as a partner organisation across both streams.

Is a national organisation eligible to apply as a lead organisation?

Yes, provided the organisation complies with the eligibility criteria as per section 3 of the Program Guidelines which includes the requirement to be an organisation operating in Victoria.

Do I need to apply to be a partner?

You can register your interest in the Program as a partner and provide consent for SRV to share contact details with organisations who have registered their interest to partner with others. You can also reach out directly to other organisations to partner with in delivering activities in the Learning and Development Hub or Regional Coordinator.

What are the partnership options?

Partnerships are encouraged to support the Program’s activities for both streams.

A lead applicant can also be a partner in other applications across both streams.

Partnership arrangements will need to be considered for any applications and funding to partner organisations agreed and coordinated through the successful lead organisations.

For further details about partnerships, refer to section 4.2 of the Guidelines.

When do applications open and close?

  • applications open Thursday 6 June 2024
  • applications close 11:59 pm AEST Thursday 18 July 2024.

Please note: estimated Program commencement is October 2024, pending grant agreements execution. Programs must be completed by 30 June 2027.

How does the application process work?

There are 3 steps.

Step 1 - Check your organisation’s eligibility

Check the detailed information in section 3 of the Program Guidelines to see if your organisation is eligible. Read through these frequently asked questions before committing significant resources in developing an application.

If you would like to discuss further please contact us.

Step 2 - Register your interest and view the online information session

Register your interest in the Program from Thursday 6 June 2024 until the application close date on Thursday 18 July 2024.

You will receive an email with a private link to the recording of the information session and details on the application process. This will include application templates and a link to apply through the Grants Online portal.

The session provided an opportunity to hear more about the Program. The session was recorded and a private link to the recording will be made available to organisations that have registered their interest.

An additional information session may be held depending on interest in the Program.

Organisations interested in partnering are encouraged to register interest.

Register your interest using the online form.

Step 3 - Apply Online

Ensure you have all the information required on hand, including all mandatory documents for the relevant stream and click on ‘Start new application’ to submit your application through the link provided following step 2, register your interest. You will receive an Application Number when you apply online. Please quote your Application Number in all correspondence relating to your application.

Complete the application by 11:59 pm on Thursday 18 July 2024.

Please note: applications must address all assessment criteria as per the relevant stream and include all mandatory supporting documentation.

For further information about the application process, refer to section 5 of the Program Guidelines.

What is the Learning and Development Hub responsible for?

The Learning and Development Hub will design, develop and deliver resources, training, and learning opportunities to provide guidance and expertise on best practice disability inclusion in the sport and active recreation sector. Materials developed will be available beyond the life of the Program.

The activities of the Learning and Development Hub include collating evaluation data on outputs and efficacy across the Program, to share with an external evaluator as appointed by the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions.

For a list of the activities the Learning and Development Hub will deliver, refer to section 4.1.1 of the Program Guidelines.

Can existing workforce and sector capability resources be included in the Program scope for the Learning and Development Hub?

Yes, existing resources can be reviewed and/or evaluated/updated and gaps identified for new resource development aligned to the objectives of the Program.

What is the Regional Coordinator responsible for?

The Regional Coordinator will establish and maintain place-based networks, including supporting the employment of place-based inclusion officers to embed best practice disability inclusion, connect with people with disability, local disability networks, sporting clubs, active recreation providers and other community organisations.

The Regional Coordinator role will manage funding for co-design place-based projects and activities that provide greater access to sport and active recreation for people with disability (both on and off the field).

The administration of the place-based project funds will be managed by the Regional Coordinator with approvals sought from the Minister for Community Sport.

For a list of the activities the Regional Coordinator will deliver, refer to section 4.1.2 of the Program Guidelines.

What are place-based projects?

The place-based projects will be designed to meet local regional community needs. This funding will be managed by the Regional Coordinator and approved by the Minister for Community Sport.

Examples of place-based projects may include:

  • training for coaches and volunteers in inclusive practices
  • co-design of programs with people with lived experience of disability
  • participation programs for people with disability
  • innovative programs to address barriers to participation such as transport, cost and modified equipment
  • design or implement modified programs
  • pilot place-based projects for financial viability beyond the life of the Program
  • test innovative approaches to link different sectors and networks (disability, sport and active recreation, local community organisations)
  • accessibility audits (this includes internal organisational requirements not infrastructure audits).

How will the place-based project funding be managed initially?

The Regional Coordinator will develop guidelines and administer the funds. They will require Ministerial Approval for the guidelines and the projects these funds will support and meet any other departmental requirements.

The Program Control Group will provide strategic oversight including the development of guidelines and moderation of assessments of the recommended place-based project funding that will require Ministerial approval.

The Program Control Group will include representatives from the Learning and Development Hub, Regional Coordinator, the department and other relevant parties.

How will the Regional Coordinator support the place-based projects?

The Regional Coordinator will support place‑based projects through the regions. For example, supporting the networks and inclusion officers to identify and design local innovative initiatives that represent best practice disability inclusion in community sport and active recreation.

Place-based projects will be funded through a competitive grant process.

When do the recommended place-based projects need to be presented to the department for Ministerial approval?

Placebased projects will be presented to the department for Ministerial approval in 2025.

Will there be multiple funding rounds for the place-based projects?

No, there will be one round to be delivered over 2 years.

What are the place-based networks?

The Regional Coordinator is responsible for establishing and maintaining place-based networks across regional Victoria.

A place-based network may include a range of key local stakeholders from a diverse range of sectors and people with lived experience of disability that come together in a region to support the Program delivery and form a network.

It is anticipated at minimum 5 regionally based networks/organisations will be required to collectively cover all of regional Victoria. This may include supporting the employment of place-based inclusion officers to complement the existing disability sport workforce and networks in regional Victoria.

The place-based networks will:

  • engage with key stakeholders to identify opportunities for improved disability inclusion outcomes, for example, disability networks, disability service providers, local government, health services, clubs, leagues, regional sport assemblies (RSAs), state sport associations (SSAs) and state sport and recreation bodies (SSARBs)
  • participate in training and community of practice sessions for the Program
  • report outcomes and progress of activities regularly through the Regional Coordinator
  • apply for funding for place-based projects
  • disseminate training and resources to local sport and active recreation workforce (paid and volunteer)
  • promote participation opportunities for people with disability in community sport and active recreation (to ensure co-design approach).

What is the purpose of the Program Control Group?

The Program Control Group will provide strategic oversight across all Program deliverables including approval of guidelines and moderation of the assessments of the recommended place-based project funding.

The Program Control Group will include representatives from the Learning and Development Hub, the Regional Coordinator, the Department and other relevant parties with expertise as relevant to Program objectives.

The Department will convene the Program Control Group following Program commencement.

What supporting documentation is required?

For the list of supporting documentation required in your application, refer to section 5.2 of the Program Guidelines.

Can I modify my program scope after receiving notification that my program has been approved for funding?

Any amendment to the program scope will require a formal variation request. This request will be assessed by SRV and may require approval by the Minister for Community Sport. Any modification to the program scope will require a review of the grant amount and terms.

How will I be notified of the outcome?

Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their grant application by email.

The Department will aim to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 12 weeks from submission. Unsuccessful applicants are welcome to seek feedback from the Department, however decisions regarding funding by the Minister for Community Sport are final and no further correspondence shall be entered into regarding such decisions.

Who should I speak to about my application?

If you have any questions during the application period, please contact us.

If you would prefer phone communication, please request this and a department representative will phone you.

Department representatives will not be able to provide specific information regarding your application.

Any questions raised by email or phone may be included in the FAQs. FAQs will be updated frequently during the open period and posted on this page.

Do applicants need to factor in the undertaking of evaluation as part of the Learning and Development Hub submission and/or will SRV go out to tender for the evaluation of the Program?

SRV will be appointing an external evaluator to evaluate the Program.

On page 9 of the guidelines under the Learning and Development Hub role activities you will note the following:

  • Support a strategic and structured evidence-based approach to Program planning and development including data collection methods and reporting frameworks.

It is envisaged that the Learning and Development Hub will work closely with the evaluator to support data collection and reporting across the program.

As part of Grant Agreements, both the Learning and Development Hub and Regional Coordinator will be required to participate in any monitoring and evaluation activities initiated by the department including an interim and final Program evaluation. This may include data collection or survey completion throughout the Program and for a nominated period after Program completion to measure progress to achieving outcomes.

Will success as the lead organisation in either stream preclude the successful organisation from participating in funded place-based project activity?

The Learning and Development Hub and Regional Coordinator will be ineligible to apply for funding for place-based projects.

One of the key activities for the Regional Coordinator will be to manage all place-based projects and activities, including the development of guidelines and administration of place-based project funding which will be approved by the Minister for Community Sport.

Only once the Regional Coordinator is in place will the place-based project guidelines be developed in collaboration with SRV and the Program Control Group. The guideline development stage is when eligibility criteria will be determined, and any conflicts of interest are identified

Is the funding available for each year or over the 3 years?

The total available funding is for the 3-year period.

The Program has total available funding of up to $12.58 million from 2024-25 to 2026-27 which will be distributed to the Learning and Development Hub and Regional Coordinator.

The Learning and Development Hub will have up to $2.5 million in funding available for program delivery including training and resource development.

The Regional Coordinator will have up to $2.5 million in funding available for program delivery including management of place-based project funding and supporting employment of place-based inclusion officers to complement the existing disability sport workforce and networks in regional Victoria.

A further $7.58 million will be available to directly fund place-based projects, managed by the Regional Coordinator subject to Ministerial approval.

Please note: Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) reserves the right to negotiate a lower than requested funding amount for submitted applications.

When will the $7.58 million funding pool be available for application?

Up to $7.58 million will be available to directly fund place-based projects that will be approved by the Minister for Community Sport in 2025.

Has work already been done to identify existing sector resources before new potential resources are developed?

SRV is aware of existing resources and training materials/programs in disability inclusion and sport, however a full review of what exists has not been completed.

It will be the role of the Learning and Development Hub to scope and review existing resources before identifying best practice resources and training for implementation. Where gaps exist, new resources and training materials will need to be created that are evidence-based and align with best practice.

Why is the Program only available in Regional Victoria?

The All Abilities Workforce and Sector Support Program is part of the $40 million All Abilities Sport Fund that is removing barriers for people with disability to get involved in sport and active recreation in regional Victoria.

It was announced in July 2023 as part of the $2 billion regional package to ensure regional Victoria still receives all the benefits that would have been facilitated by the Commonwealth Games.

Are organisations with existing training and resources eligible to apply?

Firstly, review the eligibility criteria in the Program guidelines in section 3.1 to determine if your organisation is eligible.

If your organisation has existing training and resources in disability inclusion this would be a great asset to an application. SRV would be interested to see your resources as part of the Learning and Development Hub review.

Is it a requirement to demonstrate partnerships with all organisations that the lead organisation plans to engage with? E.g. all regional councils in Victoria?

SRV does not expect organisations to provide support letters from every partner.

SRV requires letters of support to provide evidence of commitment from key partners as part of the mandatory documentation in the application. See section 5.2 of the Program Guidelines.

Organisations will need to detail partnerships as part of their application, where organisations as asked to outline partner contributions, roles, and responsibilities.

Can the Learning and Development Hub utilise resources already developed, with a focus on rolling out the resources and training in Regional Victoria in addition to creation of additional place-based resources?

If an organisation already has resources in disability inclusion these can be considered as part of the Learning and Development Hub review. We expect that new resources and training materials will need to be developed to address gaps to meet the needs of the regional sport and active recreation workforce.

This program will also provide the opportunity to test and get feedback on new and existing resources and training materials prior to the roll out to the sport and active recreation workforce in Regional Victoria.

How many Learning and Development Hubs and Regional Coordinators are expected to be appointed/formed?

SRV is seeking to contract one lead organisation for the Learning and Development Hub and a separate lead organisation for the Regional Coordinator.

Is it expected the learning/ training be accredited? (e.g. Certified)?

No, but it is expected that resources and training materials/approaches will reflect best practice inclusion and be evidence-based. This is important to ensure that only the highest quality resources and training are rolled out in regional Victoria in line with best practice learning and training approaches.

What are the geographic boundaries for the Program?

This Program considers regional Victoria to encompass the 48 regional and rural council areas across the state as defined on the Regional Development Victoria website.

These are covered within the 5 regions of: Barwon South West, Gippsland, Grampians, Hume and Loddon Mallee.

How will access costs be budgeted? Is this determined by the Regional Coordinator?

The Regional Coordinator has a budget of up to $2.5 million to deliver their activities.

As this is an All Abilities program, consideration will need to be given to access costs as part of proposed budgets. Both the Regional Coordinator and the Learning and Development Hub will need to ensure that all aspects of their program delivery are fully inclusive of people with disability.

Will the inclusion officers need to be included within the budget for the Regional Coordinator?

Yes, any additional inclusion officers to be employed need to be included within the budget for the Regional Coordinator. The Regional Coordinator is responsible for establishing and maintaining networks (it is anticipated a minimum of 5 regionally based organisations will be required to collectively cover all of regional Victoria).

They will also support the employment of place-based inclusion officers as required, to work with sporting clubs and local networks to embed best practice disability inclusion.

SRV has not identified a specific number of inclusion officers that need to be employed. SRV is asking applicants to determine the number of networks required and the number of inclusion officers that they believe are required to deliver the program across all of regional Victoria with consideration to the existing regional sport and active recreation workforce.

Do applicants need to detail potential place-based projects if applying for the Regional Coordinator stream?

No, the Regional Coordinator will administer and manage the place-based funding. The guidelines for the place-based funding will only be developed once the Regional Coordinator is contracted and the Program has commenced.

Can partners be engaged after the contract is awarded to a lead organisation or do they need to be specified in the application?

SRV is requesting applicants identify and detail their key delivery partners as part of the application process. See section 5.2 of the Program guidelines, the application form and Program Plan.

We understand that additional partners may be engaged after the Grant Agreement is in place. If partnerships identified through the application stage change and impact on delivery then SRV would need to agree to any significant changes.

Is there a requirement for the Learning and Development Hub to connect and engage with expertise in regional Victoria, to ensure that resources and training materials are relevant and functional for implementation in regional settings?

Yes, the Learning and Development Hub will need to engage with expertise in regional Victoria, including with the Regional Coordinator to ensure that all resources and training meet the needs of the regional sport and active recreation workforce and people with disability who live in the regions.

SRV expects the regional networks, inclusion officers, key regional stakeholders, and people with disability based in the regions to have significant input into what is developed and how it is delivered.

Will the place-based projects be considered in the evaluation of the Regional Coordinator role?

The place-based projects will be evaluated as part of the overall Program.

The Regional Coordinator will administer place-based project and activity funding to local stakeholders e.g. local clubs, disability providers, community organisations. Evaluation will be considered as part of the place-based project guideline development.

As part of Grant Agreements, the Regional Coordinator will be required to participate in any monitoring and evaluation activities initiated by the department including an interim and final Program evaluation.

In the scenario where one of the leads (either Learning and Development Hub or Regional Coordinator) is behind schedule on delivery, will consideration be given for achievement against milestones for the other lead?

It is expected the successful Learning and Development Hub and Regional Coordinator will work together to achieve Program outcomes and participate in governance arrangements (including strategic oversight and accountability) at the department’s request, including but not limited to a Program control group.

Program deliverables and milestones will be confirmed through contract agreements with each of the lead organisations for the Learning and Development Hub and Regional Coordinator.

What definition of ‘disability’ is this program based on?

This program aligns with Inclusive Victoria: State disability plan 2022-2026 (Inclusive Victoria), which references the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities definition.

This definition, 'describes people with disability as people who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory differences that, when interacting with inaccessible communities and environments, prevent full and equal community participation. This is often called the social model of disability.

The social model of disability is an important way of perceiving inequality because it views disability as stemming from communities, services and spaces that are not accessible or inclusive. In the social model of disability, it is society that places limits on a person, not their disability, (page 11 of Inclusive Victoria - State disability plan 2022–2026).

Has the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Funded Supports been considered in the place-based activities?

SRV acknowledge that the National Disability Insurance Agency is a key agency providing direct funding support to people with disability. We understand that people who receive NDIS support may engage in the program including place-based activities.

Ideally the place-based projects will have a larger impact in a region (for example the projects will provide significant benefit to more than one person or club) and have a focus on long term, sustainable outcomes.

Some examples could include:

  • codesign a multisport program that can be rolled out across a region,
  • review or audit of club committee membership across a region for a particular sport then a develop and implement a project to get more people with disability onto committees.
  • a league completes a review of their clubs’ communication materials, websites, and signage and develops a project plan to address any recommendations.

Further review and consideration of how the NDIS funded support intersect with this Program will be explored further as the program evolves.

Would a metropolitan place-based activity be eligible for the program?

No, the place-based projects will need to take place in regional Victoria as a requirement of this funding. Refer to geographic boundaries question above.

Can the Regional Coordinator provide specialist support/staff to cater for specific disabilities such as people who are deaf/hard of hearing?

The Regional Coordinator has a budget of up to $2.5 million to deliver their activities. Organisations can choose how they allocate their budget and determine what specialist staffing/supports they need to effectively deliver.

As part of their budget, SRV will expect that the Regional Coordinator gives detailed consideration to ensuring the program is fully inclusive and accessible to people with a broad range of disabilities.

Disability Organisations can seek partnerships with organisations who wish to apply for the Regional Coordinator to support them to ensure that their activities are fully accessible to people with disability.

How do organisations demonstrate collaboration as a partner given this is competitive funding?

SRV acknowledge that this is a competitive funding Program and organisations can apply as a lead, partner or both.

Collaboration is the foundation of this program and will be critical to achieve the outcomes outlined in the guidelines. We encourage organisations to have transparent and open discussions with potential partners about your organisation's skills, expertise, experience, and capacity to deliver as lead or partner. Both the leads and the partners will be essential in this Program, despite SRV only seeking to contract the two lead organisations at this time.

Is it possible for SRV to identify those organisations planning on applying as lead?

SRV is providing the partner list and sharing it with other interested organisations who have consented to share their details to facilitate organisations connecting, and forming partnerships on their own terms.

At this stage most organisations have not identified a specific stream they are interested in or if they want to partner.

We encourage you to look at organisation’s websites to understand the work they do. You can reach out to one or a group of organisations where you think your organisations skills, experience and expertise might complement and add great value as a lead or partner. In the mix you will see there are a broad range of disability, sport, education and regional organisations.

If you want to update your stream of choice in the next iteration of the partner list, you can also contact us.

Should we be expecting an additional round of funding from the All Abilities Sport Fund?

In December 2023, the first round of the Regional Community Sports Infrastructure Fund was launched. This program included the All Abilities Infrastructure Stream, which provided support to deliver accessible and universally designed sport and active recreation infrastructure that directly improves access and participation opportunities for regional Victorians with disability. The stream also supported the development of sustainable programs at the funded facilities to create new pathways for participation. This program closed in March 2024.

Further programs will be launching later this year that will assist community sport and active recreation organisations to support people with disability to access, participate and succeed in sport or active recreation in regional Victoria.

Some of these programs are in development and further information will be available once publicly launched.   Please monitor the SRV grants page for future funding opportunities.

Would success in this Program preclude an organisation from applying for future funding against the remaining funding from the All Abilities Sport Fund?

It is not expected that success in this Program will preclude funding in other grant programs which support disability inclusion in sport and active recreation.

However, each program will have its own funding guidelines that will detail the specific eligibility for the program.

Does the Regional Coordinator need to have a presence across the state?

The Regional Coordinator doesn’t need to have a presence across the whole state.

Ideally, the Regional Coordinator will have connections and experience engaging with sport and active recreation networks across regional Victoria given they will be establishing and maintaining networks required to collectively provide coverage to all of regional Victoria).

What evidence do you require for partnerships?

SRV requires letters of support providing evidence of commitment from any key partners as part of the mandatory documentation required in the application.

Organisations will also need to detail their partnerships including partner contributions, roles and responsibilities in the program plan and the application form.

Do Universities need to provide the mandatory financial documents as part of their application ?

No, publicly funded universities do not need to supply the financial documents required as part of the mandatory documentation noted on page 14 of the Program guidelines.

Can we partner with organisations not on the partner list?

Yes, your organisation can partner with any organisation that you choose.

Page last updated: 31 Jul 2024
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