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Preventing Violence Through Sport Grants Program

The program acknowledges the enormous capacity community sport has to influence positive behaviours and attitudes and prevent all forms of violence against women by supporting organisations to design and deliver primary prevention activity within community sport settings.

Important dates

Close: 29 April 2022

Program guidelines

Preventing violence through sport program guidelines ( 1.2 MB)

The Program will provide funding for partnership projects that:

  • build the capacity of community sport and recreation to address the gendered drivers of family violence, sexual violence and all forms of violence against women in their communities
  • implement the Guidelines for Preventing Violence Against Women: Taking Action Through Community Sport
  • build networks and partnerships between community sport and recreation and primary prevention experts.


The Preventing Violence Through Sport Grants Program is open to partnership projects between the community sport and recreation sector and organisations working to address violence against women.

Funding will be provided to a lead organisation, which must demonstrate partnerships with a minimum of two partner organisations (a minimum of three in total). The partnership must include at least one sporting organisation, league, club, commission, or association, although the sport organisation does not need to be the lead organisation.  For a full list of eligible sport organisations, visit Our sector.

The lead or applicant organisation must meet the following criteria to be eligible:

  1. Be one of the following entity types:
    1. A body or entity incorporated in Australia.
    2. A Victorian local government body.
  2. Operate a business registered or physically located within Victoria; and
  3. Hold an active and valid Australian Business Number (ABN); and
  4. Be registered with the responsible Federal or State regulator (as applicable); and
  5. Be one of the following:
    1. An SRV-recognised organisation:
      • State Sporting Associations (SSA).
      • State Sport and Active Recreation Bodies, including peak organisations (SSARB).
      • Regional Sports Assembly (RSA).
      • Victorian Regional Academies of Sport.
    2. A women’s health organisation.
    3. A community organisation working on gender equity and/or the primary prevention of violence against women.
    4. A Victorian local government authority.
    5. A National Sporting Association operating in the Victorian context.
    6. Sport and active recreation league, association or commission.
    7. A professional sport club.
    8. A Victorian educational institution such as universities.

Eligible organisations must meet the following criteria:

  • Adherence with and enforcement of either the Fair Play Code or the relevant code of conduct which incorporates values and processes associated with safe, welcoming, and inclusive engagement (where relevant). Further information about the Fair Play Code.
  • Compliance with the Victorian Anti-doping Policy 2012 (where relevant). Further information about the Anti-doping Policy.
  • Reporting requirements for any grants the applicant has previously received from the Victorian Government under any grant program have been met to the satisfaction of SRV (only applicable to applicants that have previously been funded under a grant program through the Victorian Government). The applicant, by applying, authorises DJPR to access any and all information in relation to such grants from any other department of the Victorian Government.
  • Implementation and maintenance of policies relating to member or client protection and to the Victorian Child Safe Standards. Further information about Child Safe Standards
  • Have an inclusion action plan, disability action plan, equivalent written strategic policy or an equivalent commitment in the applicant’s constitution (the adequacy of which will be determined by DJPR in its sole and absolute discretion) or commit to creating one of the aforementioned in a form suitable to DJPR.


The Preventing Violence Through Sport Grants Program offers funding of up to $200,000 over two years for partnership projects.

Partnerships can propose any type of primary prevention of violence against women activity within a community sport setting.

Apply now

The Preventing Violence Through Sport Grants Program offers funding of up to $200,000 over two years for partnership projects.

Partnerships can propose any type of primary prevention of violence against women activity within a community sport setting.

Frequently Asked Questions

A frequently asked questions document has been developed to assist organisations when considering their application for the Preventing Violence Through Sport: Taking a whole-of-sport approach to engage young people and the broader community Grants Program.

FAQs Preventing Violence Through Sport grants program (DOCX 377.79 KB) DOCX icon

Program area and assistance

For general Sport and Recreation Victoria grant enquiries contact us.

Preventing Violence Through Sport Grants Program funded projects

Preventing Violence Through Sport: Funded Projects 2022-25 (PDF 196.06 KB) PDF icon

Page last updated: 13 Sep 2024
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