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Significant Sporting Events Program

The Significant Sporting Events Program is a Victorian Government funding program that assists event organisers to enhance the delivery of national or international level sporting events in Victoria.

Important dates

Open: 1 March 2025

Close: 15 April 2025

Program guidelines

A web page with fully accessible guidelines has been developed for this program.

To view it, please go to Significant Sporting Events Program guidelines.

PDF and accessible Word versions of the guidelines can be downloaded using the links below.

Grant types

The Significant Sporting Events Program (SSEP) has 2 streams of grants available.



Maximum Grant Value (per event, per year)

Event Assistance Grant

To assist with offsetting general operational costs associated with staging events

Up to $20,000*

Event Development Grant

To develop or expand existing events or to attract new events to Victoria that deliver key outcomes for the State

Up to $150,000*

* Higher grant amounts may be available and will be considered on a case‑by‑case basis by Sport and Recreation Victoria.

The final funding amount will be determined in relation to the scale of the event and key outcomes measured against the assessment criteria; only one grant is available for the same event, per year.

Funding rounds

The SSEP has 6 funding rounds each financial year. Applications must be received a minimum of 6 months prior to the event.

Funding Round

Funding Round Opens

Funding Round Closes


Indicative notification of outcome

Event Delivery Date (not earlier than)


1 July

15 August



1 January


1 September

15 October



1 March


1 November

15 December



1 May


1 January

15 February



1 July


1 March

15 April



1 September


1 May

15 June



1 November

Applications may be considered outside these timelines on a case‑by‑case basis by Sport and Recreation Victoria and will only be granted under exceptional circumstances.

Event eligibility

Eligible sporting events must:

  • be delivered in Victoria
  • be for a sport recognised by the Australian Sports Commission as the National Sporting Organisation for their sport in Australia and listed on the Australian Sports Directory
  • be nationally or internationally sanctioned by a recognised sporting body and meet the criteria of at least one Event Type as detailed below
  • occur at least 6 months after the date of the submitted application
  • offer equal prize money for people of all genders, where prize money is awarded.

Applications for multi‑year events and events that are subject to a bid process that otherwise meet the program criteria are acceptable.

Event Type

Eligible events must meet all the criteria for one of the following event types.

Event Type


National Championship

  • Event is sanctioned by the recognised national sporting organisation as a national championship for the sport/discipline/category in Australia
  • The winner is declared the national champion.

National Series Event

  • Event is part of a series sanctioned by the recognised national sporting organisation as the top tier national series for the sport/discipline/category in Australia
  • Points or rankings are issued that contribute to an overall national series champion

National Competition Match

  • A regular season or finals series match/es of the top tier national competition for the sport/discipline/category in Australia
  • Single pre-season or friendly matches will only be eligible if held in regional Victoria where the match is not played at the home teams’ regular venue or town

International Championship

  • Event is sanctioned by the recognised international federation as an international championship for the sport/discipline/category
  • The winner is declared the champion of a specific region (e.g. World, Oceania, Asia).

International Series / Qualifying Event

  • Part of an international series for the sport/discipline/category in the region
  • Points, rankings or qualifying positions are on offer that contribute to an overall international series champion.

International Competition Match

  • Australian national team competing against another international team OR two international teams competing for the sport/discipline/category in Australia

Application Process

There are several common features in successful applications. Good applications are:

  • well planned;
  • clearly demonstrate how the event delivers against the assessment criteria; and
  • provide the appropriate supporting documentation.

Step 1: Confirm eligibility

Read the SSEP guidelines in full and check the detailed information contained in these guidelines to determine if your organisation and the proposed event are eligible.

Step 2: Stakeholder consultation

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their event with agencies such as venues, local councils and sporting associations. Where possible, applicants should demonstrate the support of key stakeholders in their applications.

Step 3: Apply online

All applications must be made online via the Significant Sporting Events Program webpage.

Ensure you have the required information on hand and click on the ‘Start new application’  buttons at the top or bottom of this page to submit your application.

You will receive an Application Number when you apply online. Please quote this number in all correspondence relating to your application.

If you experience any issues with submitting your application, please contact us.

Significant Sporting Events Program – Event Summary (DOCX 186.54 KB) DOCX icon
Significant Sporting Events Program – Supporting Document Checklist (DOCX 186.57 KB) DOCX icon

Program area and assistance

For general information about the Significant Sporting Events Program please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

To contact the Department’s Customer Contact Centre call 1800 325 206 between 9 am and 5 pm on Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

To speak with a member of the Significant Sporting Events Program please contact the Events Unit on (03) 9623 1429 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) or contact us.

Page last updated: 28 Mar 2025
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