Safeguarding children
Creating safe sporting environments for children and young people requires a commitment from all involved sport.
Providing safe sporting environments for children and young people in Victoria is not optional, it is required by law under the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005.
Victorian Child Safe Standards
All organisations in Victoria who provide services or facilities for children are required to comply with Child Safe Standards to ensure that the safety of children is promoted, child abuse is prevented, and allegations of child abuse are properly responded to.
The minimum compulsory standards for all organisations that interact with children and young people are outlined in the 11 Child Safe Standards.
The Standards aim to prevent abuse through cultural change and creating positive environments where children feel safe to speak up about issues that affect them.
New Child Safe Standards came into effect on 1 July 2022 to more closely align with the National Child Safe Principles.
Commission for Children and Young People
The independent statutory body that oversees the Victorian Child Safe Standards and the National Redress Scheme is the Commission for Children and Young People.
Commission for Children and Young People promotes development of and improvement to policies and practices to protect children and young people from harm. They have a range of free resources available to support community sport and recreation clubs.
Further information
The peak body for sport and active recreation in the Victoria is Vicsport.
They work closely with the Victorian Government to promote sport and active recreation, and support the sector across a range of areas including:
- participation
- industry development
- advocacy
- safe, fair and inclusive sport.
Vicsport has a large number of Child Safe Sport resources to support the sport sector in implementing the 11 Victorian Child Safe Standards, as well as a free online course.
Vicsport also provide a Child Safe Sport Help Desk that can be utilised by sport and recreation organisations for support in any child safe related matter.
Vicsport Child Safe Help Desk
p: (03) 9698 8100
Sport Integrity Australia
Sport Integirty Australia was established on 1 July 2020 to safeguard the integrity of Australian sport. They provide a range of information including policies, resources, education and support services, including assistance with issues regarding child safety.
Sport Integrity Australia are committed to embedding child safety measures across all levels of sport, from grassroots through to high performance. Their National Integrity Framework highlights safeguarding children as a key priority and outlines the zero tolerance approach for any behaviour that puts the wellbeing of children and young people at risk.
Play by the Rules
Play by the Rules is a free online platform that provides information, resources, tools and free online training to increase the knowledge and capability of all involved in community sport.
Play by the Rules focusses on managing issues associated with discrimination, harassment, child safety, member protection, inclusion and integrity issues in sport.
Play by the Rules offers a free and interactive online Child Protection Course for players, volunteers, officials, coaches and administrators of sport. The course provides information on child protection laws, how the laws apply to sporting organisations and individuals, where, when and how to report incidents and how to establish welcoming and inclusive child safe environments.
Working with Children Checks
Working with Children Checks were introduced in 2006 by the Victorian Government to help protect children and young people under 18 years of age from physical or sexual harm by preventing those who pose a risk to their safety from working with them. The Working with Children Check enforces a mandatory minimum checking standards for people who work with children in either a paid or volunteer capacity.