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Make sure your sporting club follows the rules on ANZAC Day

Published: 12 December 2024

The Victorian Government is working with all sporting codes and the Returned and Services League (RSL) to accommodate the playing of sport on ANZAC Day while also honouring all those who have served our country.

ANZAC Day 2022

Section 4 of the ANZAC Day Act 1958 (Act) prohibits the playing of sports on ANZAC Day without the prior written approval of the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events or the Minister for Community Sport if an admission fee is charged or donation sought to view the event (approved sports events).

The Ministers may approve the holding of sport on ANZAC Day if:

  • the sport does not commence before 1pm; and
  • a payment is made to the ANZAC Day Proceeds Fund in the case of the approved sports event being held within the metropolitan area; or
  • for events held more than 50 km from the corner of Bourke and Elizabeth streets, a payment is made to the ANZAC Day Proceeds Fund or an institution or organisation in the district where the sport is played as approved by the Minister in consultation with the President of the RSL.

Please note an agreement to donate the proceeds of all fundraising activities held at an approved sports event alone does not satisfy the legislative requirements. It is necessary to donate a portion of the net profit from the sports event itself.

Clubs should contact their respective peak sporting organisation or association to prior to submitting a request for approval to play sport on ANZAC Day. Applicants should also consult the local sub-branch of the RSL on the protocols, requirements, and appropriate ANZAC Day commemorative activities.

Sporting events to be held on ANZAC Day that do not charge an admission fee or seek a donation from spectators do not require Ministerial approval. It is still recommended that these clubs discuss appropriate commemorative activities that can be incorporated into their ANZAC Day sporting events with their local RSL sub-branch.

For additional information please see:

Sport on ANZAC Day (PDF 179.73 KB) PDF icon

Sport on ANZAC Day (DOCX 118.06 KB) DOCX icon

Requests for additional information and applications for Ministerial approval should be sent by email ( to Sport and Recreation Victoria in the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions with ‘ANZAC Day application’ in the subject line.

Applications should be submitted by 28 February as requests made after this date may not be approved by 25 April.

Page last updated: 07 Jan 2025
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