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Helping sporting clubs reach next level

Published: 22 February 2024

The Victorian Government is backing grassroots sports clubs to break down barriers to participation and help build social and active local communities.

Eildon Park Tennis Club player in new uniform

560 recipients are sharing more than $694,000 from the latest round of the Sporting Club Grants Program.

In this round, the program focus is on supporting, celebrating and building the capacity of sports volunteers in vital roles – from administration to coaching and umpiring.

Eildon Park Tennis Club juniors are dressed for success thanks to a $1,000 grant towards new club t-shirts.

Secretary of the club Leanne Siwes said with this grant the club can afford to purchase brand new club t-shirts to provide to junior players for free, when they register to play their first season of tennis.

‘Our sport is often seen as far more expensive to play, as to get to the point of being competitive, you really need some kind of paid coaching.'

'Currently these t-shirts are purchased separately to club membership and competition fees, so it's an added cost for parents. We also find that the kids who wear the uniform have a greater sense of belonging to the club,’ she said.

Epping Football Netball Club also received $1,000 towards the purchase of women’s footy jumpers, whilst Warburton Bowls Club scored $1,000 towards adaptable equipment for all-abilities bowls and Wantirna South Cricket Club and Craigieburn Basketball Association Inc both received $2,000 to upskill volunteer junior coaching staff.

President of the Epping Football Netball Club Adrian Onofretchook said it's been a long-time getting a women's side together, but it's finally going to happen.

'Now local women will have somewhere to socialise and keep fit doing it,' he said.

A $1,000 grant will help Healesville Swimming Club develop website content to reduce volunteer workload and strengthen membership connections, and $4,000 will go towards East Gippsland Biathlon Club’s launch of their rollerskiing and laser biathlon youth program.

Secretary of East Gippsland Biathlon Club Cameron Morton said receiving this grant from Sport and Recreation Victoria provides the club with funding they wouldn't normally have access to and the ability to provide more summer, winter and modified biathlon programs through far East Gippsland.

The Program provides up to $1,000 for uniforms, equipment and resources that improve accessibility and engagement; up to $2,000 for projects to strengthen volunteering and officiating; up to $4,000 to deliver a new sport or recreation program and up to $750 to support athlete travel.

The Sporting Club Grants Program has injected more than $16 million in support to thousands of community sport and recreation clubs across the state since 2015.

By providing more opportunities for clubs and organisations to build their capacity, this program goes a long way towards future proofing grassroots sport and recreation and ensuring clubs have the skills they need to take their game to the next level.

A new round of the Sporting Club Grants Program is now open. For more information on the grants, a full list of recipients and how to apply visit the Sporting Club Grants Program.

Page last updated: 08 Jun 2024
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