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Hampton Park sports clubs score new pavilion

Published: 20 December 2023

Hampton Park sports teams and fans have a new home with the completion of the new two-storey pavilion at Robert Booth Reserve, made possible by a $3 million grant from the Victorian Government.

Robert Booth Reserve - 2023

Catering for Australian football, netball and cricket, the new pavilion offers four female friendly change rooms and two female friendly umpires’ rooms. A first aid room, accessible toilets, community room, and kitchen and canteen ensure a great experience for all visitors.

The Hampton Park Tennis Club will also benefit from new 350 lux LED competition lighting installed at four courts at Robert Booth Reserve, thanks to a grant of more than $204,000 from the Victorian Government’s Local Sports Infrastructure Fund.

The Hampton Park Football Netball Club and Hampton Park Cricket Club can now cater for more players, with more families moving into the diverse multicultural community. The Hampton Park Progress Association and Hampton Park CFA will also benefit from the new space.

The Victorian Budget 2023/24 is providing more than $213 million to deliver and improve community sports infrastructure and support initiatives that boost participation and inclusion in local sport.

City of Casey also invested over $2.4 million in both projects and the Australian Government provided $200,000 towards the pavilion.

Page last updated: 08 Jun 2024
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